In this section it is possible to search for separate books by the country in which the protest occurred.
Bakhtar Agency, Roman Ozersky, Sergei Sevruk, Afghanistan Today,Planeta Publishers, Moskow, Russia,1981
Thomas Dworzak, TALIBAN, Trolley books, London, England, 2003
Joan Fontcuberta, Deconstructing Osama: the truth about the case of Manbaa Mokfhi, Actar Publisher, Barcelona, Spain,2007
Khalid Hadid, Disasters of war, portraits of Khalid Hadi,Fraglich Publishing, Bregenz, Austria,2021
Kaveh Kazemi, Afghanistan, Return of the Taliban, a Nation Betrayed, Nazar Publishing, Tehran, Iran,2022
AA.VV., The National Liberation Struggle of the Albanian People, Committee for Cultural Relations and Friendship with Foreign Countries People's Republic of Albania,1964
Gani Xhengo, Rilindje - Shqipëria në vitet 90, M.Leka, Tirana, Albania,1996
Hubert de Segonzac, Izis, Patrice Habans, L'algérie sans mensonge, Hachette, Paris, France,1960
Marc Flament, Les Deux Meurent en Algérie, Éditions de la Pensée Moderne, Paris, France,1960
Dominique Darbois, Gli algerini in guerra, Feltrinelli Editore, Milano, Italy, 1961
AA.VV., Algeria torturata, Lerici editore, Milano, Italy,1961
Marc Flament, Piste sans fin....., Éditions de la Pensée Moderne, Paris, France,1963
AA.VV.,Le 13 Mai 1958 - Le coup de Dien -Bien-Phu - Suicide de la IVème - Les colonels dans Alger - Naissance du Régime Gaullistet - L'armée au pas, Le Club français du livre, Paris, France,1970
Michael von Graffenried, Inside Algeria, Aperture, New York, U.S.A.,1998
Marc Riboud, Algérie Indépendance, Le Bec en l'air, Maseille, France, 2009
Dirk Alvermann, Algerien, L'Algérie, Steidl, Göttingen, Germany, 2010 as Box Protest
Abdo Shanan, A Little Louder, Trobades & Premis Mediterranis Albert Camus, Menorca, Spain,2022
Augusta Conchiglia, Guerra di popolo in Angola, Lerici editore, Roma, Italy, 1969
Jochen Moll, Bilder aus Angola, VEB F.A. Brockhaus Verlag Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany DDR,1979
Frits Eisenloeffel,A LUTA CONTINUA! A VITORIA E' CERTA! NOV.11,1975 ZERO HORAS, Selfpublished Mirelle van Tulder, The Netherland,2021
AA.VV., El desafio Cordobes, Magazine SIETE DIAS Edicion Extra, Buenos Aires, Argentina,1969
Horacio González Trejo, Argentina, tiempo de violencia, Carlos Pérez Editor, Buenos Aires, Argentina,1969
AA.VV., 1° de Mayo ¿Qué pasará en la plaza?, El Peronista, Buenos Aires, Argentina,1974
Eduardo Grossman, César Cichero, HASTA LA VICTORIA, MI GENERAL, La Causa Peronista, Buenos Aires, Argentina,1974
AA.VV., Fotos - Hechos. Testimonios de 1035 dramáticos días, 25 de mayo de 1973 / 24 de marzo de 1976, Revista GENTE, Buenos Aires, Argentina,1976
AA.VV, A flicker of hope after the uncertainty, Ediciones Regione Tucuman, Argentina, 1977
Marcelo Brodsky, Buena Memoria, La Marca, Buenos Aires, Argentina - Ponte della Memoria, Roma, Italy,2000
AA.VV., La noche de la dictadura, Cara y Caretas, Fundacion Octubre, Buenos Aires, Argentina,2006
AA.VV., En negro y blanco: Fotografias del Cordobazo al Juicio a las Juntas, Autores Editores, Buenos Aires, Argentina,2006
Ivan Clemenco, 20 diciembre 2001, Casa Nova Editores, Buenos Aires, Argentina,2007
AA.VV., Imágenes de la Vida, 30 años de lucha por la vida venciendo a la muerte, Ediciones Madres de Plaza de Mayo, Buenos Aires, Argentina,2007
AA.VV., 76.11 fotos, el otro lado de la càmara, Universidad Nacional de General San Martín,Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2012
Eduardo Longoni, Violencias, Libros del Naufrago, Buenos Aires, Argentina,2012
AA.VV., Trelew 72, Archivo Nacional de la Memoria de la Secretaría de Derechos Humanos de la Nación, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2014
Sub-Coop, DICIEMBRE, Sub-Coop, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2016
Maria José Malvares, Gimena Tur, Todxs somos Milagro, Editorial Octubre, Buenos Aires, Argentina,2017
Eduardo Longoni, Imágenes apuntadas: los relatos de un fotografo,Editorial Planeta, Buenos Aires, Argentina,2017
Sergio Dominguez, Fulminación, La Balsa+Infinito Blanco, Buenos Aires, Argentina,2018
Sebastian Pani,Belén Grosso, Porque te cela. Porque te quiere.Porque no puede. Violencia de género. Mujeres quemadas., Turma Associacion civil, Buenos Aires, Argentina,2018
Federico Paladino, 88 PEDAZOS, LaBalsa, Bilbao, Spain, 2019
Federico Paladino, Nicolás Pousthomis, UNO A UNO, La Balsa Editora / Sub Editora, Buenos Aires, Argentina,2021
Willy François and photo agency Ingraph, Tweede Mars of Brussel, 14 oktober '62, Informatiedienst van de Vlaamse Volksbeweging, Ghent, Belgium, 1962
Koen Calliauw, matrakken-sabbat, De Galge, Brugge-Antwerpen, Belgium,1967
Oliver Leu, Leopold's Legacy, The Eriskay Connection, Breda, The Netherland, 2020
Patrícia Almeida, Today, I am just a butterfly sending you a sentence, Ghost edition, Lisbon, Portugal, Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Guimarães, Portugal,2020
Isabella Balena, This war is not mine: from women for Mostar, Cooperazione Italiana, Roma, Italy,1994
Danilo Krstanović, Milomir Kovačević, Morire per Sarajevo, Edizioni E, Trieste, Italy,1994
Milton Guran, Encontro na Bahia 79 XXXI Congreso da Une, Livraria Galilei Editora, Brasilia, Brazil,1979
AA.VV.- A Greve do ABC, Editora Caraguatà S.A., São Paulo, Brazil, 1980
Pedro de Moraes, 1968, a paixão de uma utopia, Espaço e Tempo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,1988
AA.VV., Um Rio em 68, Secretaria Municipal de Cultura de Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,1988
Claudia Ferreira, Mulheres e Movimentos, Aeroplano Editora, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,2005
Januario Garcia, 25 anos movimento negro no Brasil: 1980-2005, Fundação Cultural Palmares, Brasilia, Brazil,2006
Evandro Teixeira, 1968 destinos 2008 passeata dos 100 mil, Textual, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,2007
Claudia Ferreira, Marcha das Margaridas, Aeroplano editora, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2015
Felipe Abreu, APROX 50.300.000, Vibrant, São Paulo, Brazil, 2017
AA.VV.-Conflitos: fotografia e violencia politica no Brasil,1889-1964, Istituto Moreira Salles, São Paulo, Brasil, 2017
Bruno Barbey, Pedro de Moraes,1968 Paris - Rio, Bazar do Tempo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2018
Diego Di Niglio, P14311, Editora Origem, São Paulo, Brazil, 2018
Thiago Dezan, When I Hear That Trumpet Sound, Seloturvo, São Paulo, Brazil, 2021
Julio Cesar Cardoso, Pétalas, Lovely House Editora, São Paulo, Brazil, 2021
Rosa Gauditano, A mesma luta, Studio R, São Paulo, Brazil,2021
Ricardo Beliel, Memórias sangradas: vida e morte nos tempos do cangaço,Editora Olhares,São Paulo, Brazil,2021
Rafael Roncato, Tropical trauma misery tour, Mas Matba,Istanbul, Turkey, The PhotoBookMuseum, Köln, Germany,Lovely House, São Paulo, Brazil, Alter Edições, São Paulo, Brazil,2004
Vincenzo Pietropaolo, Celebration of Resistance, Ontario's days of action, Between the Lines, Toronto, Canada,1999
Alan Gignoux, Vancouver Pride, Self-published, London, England, 2014
Alan Gignoux, OIL SANDS, Stanley James Press, Brighton, United Kingdom, 2018
Gian Butturini, CILE VENECEREMOS, Bareggi Editore, Milano, Italy, 1970
Archivio Quimantù, El tancazo de ese 29 de junio.., Empresa Editora Nacinal Quimantù, Santiago del Chile, Chile,1973
Koen Wessing, CHILI SEPTEMBER 1973, De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,1973
AA.VV., LA GRAN ESTAFA, Partido Frei, Santiago del Chile, Chile,1973
Archivio revistas Ercilla y Vea, Anatomia de un fracaso, la experiencia socialista chilena, Empresa Editora Zig Zag, Santiago de Chile, Chile,1973
Peter Hellmich,Operacion Silencio CHILE nach Salvador Allende, VerlagDerNation, Berlin, Germany, 1974
AA.VV., CHILE 11 de Septiembre de1974, Editora Nacional Gabriela Mistral , Santiago de Chile,Chile 1974
AA.VV., Chile - Ein Schwarzbuch, Pahl Verlag,Köln, Germany,1974
Peter Hellmich, Anflug auf Chacabuco, Verlag der Nation, Berlin, Germany,1974
AA.VV., Chile ayer hoy, Editora National Gabriela Mistral, Santiago de Chile, Chile,1975
Ivo Saglietti, CHILE Il rumore delle sciabole, LM Editoriale,FIOM-Cgil Lombardia, Milano, Italy,1989
Patrick Zachmann, CHILI les routes de la mémoire, Marval, Paris, France,2002
Luis Weinstein, Hesto ha sido, Kettler, Dortmund, Germany, 2015
Armindo Cadoso, Un otro sentimiento del tiempo, Biblioteca Nacional de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile,2015
Celeste Rojas Mugica, Una Sombra Oscilante, Asunción,Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017
Carmen Benito, Revolcándonos entre las calderas, Club del Prado, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2020
Álvaro Hoppe Guiñez, Plebiscito en Chile, 1988, Haikén ediciones, Santiago del Chile, Chile,2020
AA.VV., Inventario Iconoclasta de la Insurrección Chilena, SED Editorial, Buenos Aires, Argentina,2021
Kena Lorenzini, Nuestra urgencia x vencer, Ocho Libros Editores, Santiago del Chile, Chile,2021
AFI WOMAN Valeria Alessandrini Henríquez, Marcela Araya Ramírez, Marucela Ramírez Martel, Sofía Yanjarí Aburto, Reapropiarnos, LOM Ediciones, Santiago del Chile, Chile, 2022
Alexis Díaz Belmar, Golpes, Haikén ediciones y Galería Zebra, Santiago del Chile, Chile, 2022
Chas Gerretsen, Chile: el archivio fotografico 1973-1974, RM Verlag, Barcelona,Spain - Mexico City, Mexico,2023
AA.VV., How to Design a Revolution,The Chilean Road to Design, Lars Müller Publishers,Zurich, Switzerland,2024
Marc Riboud, The three banners of China, Joh.Enschedé en Zonen N.V., Haarlem, The Netherlands, 1966
AA.VV., The Red Sun Lights, the road forward for Tachai Foreign Languages Press, Peking, China,1969
AA.VV., DOWN WITH THE NEW TSARS!, Peking. Foreign Language Press, Beijing, China, 1969
Wu Yin-Hsien, LA CINA E IL SUO POPOLO, la fotografia come arte rivoluzionaria, Gabriele Mazzotta Editore, Milano. Italy,1973
Ben She. Yi Ming, The mourning of the people, Beijing Publishing House, Beijing, China, 1979
AA.VV., Flashback: A Decade of Changes, 76-86, The China Photographic Publishing House, Beijing, China,1986
David Turnley, Peter Turnley, Beijing Spring, Asia 2000, Hong Kong, 1989
Photographers of Xinhua agency, The Truth About the Beijing Turmoil, Beijing Publishing House, Beijing, China, 1989
AA.VV., CHINE 89 - LES 55 JOURS DE PÉKIN PAR 7 PHOTOGRAPHES CHINOIS, Flammarion, Paris, France,1989
Li Zhensheng, RED-COLOR NEWS SOLDIER - A chinese photographer's odyssey through the cultural revolution, Phaidon, London, England, 2003
Solange Brand, Pékin 1966, petites histoires de la révolution culturelle, L’oeil electronique editions, Rennes, France,2005
Torbjörn Andersson, Beijing 1989, Historiska media, Lund, Sweden,2009
Xu Yong, NEGATIVES, DruckverlagKettler, Germany, 2015
Katja Stuke, Nationalfeiertag, Böhm Kobayashi,Dusseldorf,Germany and Fw:Books, Amsterdam,The Netherlands,2015
Liu Heung Shing, A Life in a Sea of Red, Steidl, Göttingen, Germany,2019
Lukas Birk, Chongqing Souvenir, a little tale revolution from 1967 - 1968, Fraglich Publishing, 2020
AA.VV., La conga con Fidel, Edizioni Avanti, Milano, Italy, 1961
AA.VV., Viva Cuba, Zeit im Bild, Dresden, Germany, 1980
Raúl Corrales, Playa Giron, Editorial Letras Cubanas, La Habana, Cuba, 1981
AA.VV., Cuba: la fotografía de los años 60, Fototeca de Cuba, La Habana, Cuba, 1988
Alberto Korda, Diario de una Revoluciòn, Edizioni Aurelia, Valencia, Spain, 1999
Burt Glinn, L'Avana: l'ora della rivoluzione, Federico Motta Editore, Milano, Italy, 2002
AA.VV., Fidel Castro, Patria o Muerte, Fackelträger-Verlag, Koln, Germany, 2007
Luc Chessex, Coca Che, Editorial RM, Barcelona, Spain, 2016
AA.VV., Che Guevara, tu y todos, Skira, Milano, Italy,2017
Doros Partassides, CYPRUS 1974 days of disaster, Unknown Publisher, 1974
Avdellopoulos Charalambos, Koutas Andreas, CYPRUS DIES IRAE (in 555 photographs) , Κύπρος. Μέρες Οργής σε 555, Morphotiki Publications, Nicosia, Cyprus,1975
AA.VVV., Květnová revoluce / May Revolution, Melantrich, Prague, Czech Republic, 1945
AA.VV., Památník pražského povstání 1945 / A Memorial of the 1945 Prague Uprising, Alois Altrichter, Prague, Czech Republic, 1947
AA.VV., Na večné časy, Svět sovětů, Praha, Czech Republic, 1955
Sune Jonsson, PRAG augusti 1968, LTs förlag, Stockholm, Sweden, 1968
AA.VV., I giorni di Praga, dramma ed eroismo di un popolo tradito, Rizzoli editore, Milano, Italy,1968
AA.VV., Einde van een vrijheid, Per Amsterdam, Leiden, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,1968
Vaclav Svoboda, Genosse Aggressor. Prag im August 1968, Europa Verlag Wien, Wien, Austria,1968
AA.VV., La tragedia di Praga, Epoca magazine, Milano, Italy,1968
Carlo Leidi, Alfonso Modonesi, L'AUTUNNO DI PRAGA, Il Manifesto, Roma, Italy,1978
AA.VV., Jaro léto 1968, podzim 1989, Profil, Ostrava, Czech Republic,1990
Marco Jindřich, Soudruh Agresor, Mladá Fronta, Praha, Czech Republic,1990
AA.VV., Listopad '89, Odeon, Prague, Czech Republic,1990
AA.VV., August 68 na Slovensku, O.K.O., Bratislava, Slovakia,1990
Josef Koudelka, Srpen 1968- RESPEKT příloha srpen 1990, Nezávislé tiskové středisko, Prague, Czech Republic,1990
Josef Koudelka, Invasion Prague 68, Aperture, New York, U.S.A., 2008
AA.VV., Praga da una primavera all'altra 1968-1969, Palazzo delle Esposizioni Roma, Italy,2009
Guy Tillim, CONGO DEMOCRATIC, Renate Wiehager, Michael Stevenson, Extraspazio, Cape Town, Roma, South Africa-Italy,2006
Marcus Bleasdale, The Rape of a Nation, Mets & Schilt, Amsterdam, The Netherland, 2009
Oliver Leu, Leopold's Legacy, The Eriskay Connection, Breda, The Netherland, 2020
AA.VV., Kampen om BYGGEREN, Informations Forlag Politisk Revy Tiderne Skifter, Copenaghen, Denmark,1980
AA.VV., BLÆNDE 83, Modtryk, Aarhus, Denmark,1983
AA.VV., Cairo. Open city, SPECTOR Book, Leipzig, Germany, 2013
Pauline Beugnies,GÉNERATION TAHRIR, Le bec en l’air, Marseille, France, 2015
Laura El-Tantawy, The People, Self-publishing, Il Cairo Egypt, 2015
Matthew Connors, Fire in Cairo, SPBH Editions, London, England, 2015
Paolo Bosio, 200 dias en El Salvador, Università Autonoma de Puebla, Puebla, Mexico,1981
AA.VV., EL SALVADOR: work of thirty photographers, Writers and Readers Publishing Cooperative, New York/London, U.S.A/England,1983
Giovanni Palazzo, Obiettivo Salvador, Nuove Edizioni Internazionali, Milano, Italy,1984
Susan Meiselas, Pedro Linger Gasiglia, EL MOZOTE: la masacre 25 años después, Pedro Linger Gasiglia, Buenos Aires, Argentina,2007
Robert Nickelsberg,Legacy of lies, El Salvador 1981-1984,Kehrer, Heidelberg,Germany,2024
AA.VV., Squatting: the real story, Bay Leaf books, London, England,1980
Jill Posener, Spray it loud, Pandora Press, London, England,1982
Ed Barber, Peace moves, nuclear protest in the 1980s, Chatto & Windus, London, England,1984
AA.VV., BLOOD SWEAT & TEARS: photo from the great miners strike 1984 -1985, Artworker Books, England, London,1985
John Sturrok,The Great Strike, the miner's strike of 1984-5 and its lessons, Social Workers London, London, England,1985
AA.VV., Protest & Survive, Whitechappel Gallery, London, England,2000
Stefano Cagnoni, John Harris, Keith Pattison, Martin Shakeshaft, John Sturrok, Andrew Wiard, Striking back, photographs of the Great Miner's Strike 1984-1985, Bookmarks Publication, London, England, 2004
Ben Roberts, Occupied Spaces, Self-publishing, England, London, 2012
Simon Roberts, This is a Sign, Self published, London, England, 2012
Michael Kerstgens, Coal not dole, the miners' strike 1984-1985, Peperoni books, Berlin, Germany, 2014
Mark Harvey, Martin Jenkinson, Mark Metcalf, The Miners' Strike, Pen & Sword Book, Barnsley, England, 2014
John Comino-James, SHOUT IT LOUD, SHOUT IT CLEAR, Dewi Lewis Publishing, Stockport , England, 2017
Richard and Sally Greenhill and more, Photography of Protest and Community, the Radical Collectives of the 1970s, Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd, London, England, 2020
Jeremy Jeffs, We Do Not Consent, Fistful books, Little Neston, England, 2022
Noni Stacey , Leave to remain, a snapshot of brexit, Lund Humphries, London, England,2023
AA.VV., ONE YEAR! Photographs from the miner's strike 1984-85, Bluecoat Press, London, England,2024
AA.VV., A Paris sous la botte de nazis, Editions Raymond Schall, Paris, France,1944
René Zuber, Robert Doisneau, Paris délivré, par son peuple, Braun et Cie, Paris, France,1945
Pierre Juillet, Christian Joubert, Michel Hermans, Paris a Brulè,Del Duca, Paris, France, 1968
Philippe Labro, Les Barricades de mai, Solar, Paris, France, 1968
Güneş Karabuda, Väggarnas språk : Paris maj 1968 / revoltaffischer och väggmålningar, Gidlunds Förlag,Stockholm, Sweden, 1968
AA.VV, La grève gènerale de mai 68, Le Peuple, Paris, France,1968
Jo Schnapp, L'imagination au pouvoir, Eric Losfeld Editeur / Le Terrain Vague, Paris, France,1968
Janine Niepce, Ce monde qui change, La Guilde du Livre, Lausanne, Switzerland - Clairefontaine, Paris, France, 1970
François Roboth, 22, Balland, Paris, France, 1971
Robert Capa, David Seymour 'Chim', front populaire, Chene/Magnum, Paris, France,1976
Claude Raimond - Dityvon, MAI 68, Camera Obscura, Editions CARRERE-KIAN, Paris, France, 1988
Gilles Caron, Sous les pavés la plage: Mai 68 vu par Gilles Caron, Edition La Sirène, Sèvres, France,1993
Claude Dityvon, Impressions de Mai, Seuil, Paris, France,1998
AA.VV., MAI 68 Le pavé, Editiones Fetjaine and La Martinière Groupe, Paris, France, 2007
Bruno Barbey, Pedro de Moraes,1968 Paris - Rio, Bazar do Tempo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2018
AA.VV., Plein le dos 365 gilets jaunes novembre 2018 - octobre 2019, Les éditions du bout de la ville, Paris, France, 2019
Jürgen Nefzger, BURE, Spector Books, Leipzig, Germany,2019
Yan Morvan, Larzac 1978, La Manufacture de livres éditions, Paris, France,2021
Paris Police Headquarters, Taxonomy of the Barricade, Nero editions, Roma, Italy,2021
AA.VV., Revolt in June / Juni - aufstand, Federal Ministry for All-German Affairs, Berlin,Germany,1953
AA.VV., < FREIE STADT> zwischen stacheldraht?, Bundesministerium fur Gesamtdeusche Fragen, Bonn/Berlin, Germany,1960
AA.VV., Die deutsche volkspolizei, Politische Verwaltung des Ministeriums des Inneren, Dresden, ex DDR, Germany, 1965
Bernard Larsson, Demonstrationen. Ein Berliner Modell, Voltaire Verlag, Berlin, Germany,1967
Andreas Seltzer, Bürger werden am Kopf mit Sendern angepeilt, belauscht, angeredet, verfolgt, gefoltert: Beispiel eines Widerstandes, 7. Produzentengalerie, Berlin, Germany,1975
Oscar van Alphen, Het rijke onvermogen: Een fotoreportage over West-Duitsland, Van Gennep, Amsterdam, Holland, 1978
Günter Zint, Atomkraft, Atelier in Bauernhaus, Fischerhude, Germany, 1979
AA.VV., BERTOLD BRECHT: "DER ANACHRONISTISCHE ZUG ODER FREIHEIT UND DEMOCRACY ODER EIN ZUG FÜR CARSTENS".Mit Bertolt Brecht am 23. Mai in Bonn gegen Carstens, Angela Kammrad Verlag, München , Germany,1979
Michael Ruetz, "Ihr müsst diesen Typen nur ins Gesicht sehen" (Klaus Schütz, SPD) APO Berlin1966 -1969, Zweitausendeins Verlag,Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 1980
Lothar Beck, Max Dans, Beerdigung, Internationalismus Verlag, Hannover, Germany,1980
Burckhard Kretschmann, Gorleben, Republik Freies Wendland, elbstverglag, Frankfurt, Germany,1980
AA.VV., Gefuhl und Scharfe. Fotos fur die TAZ, Frölich & Kaufmann, Berlin, Germany, 1982
AA.VV., Startbahm 18 West BILDER EINER RÄUMUNG, Minotaurus project, Darmstadt, Germany,1982
AA.VV., LEIPZIGER DEMONTAGEBUCH, Kiepenheuer, Cologne, Germany, 1990
AA.VV.,4-11-89 Protestdemonstration Berlin DDR, Henschelverlag Kunst und Gesellschaft, DDR Berlin, Germany, 1990
AA.VV., BAADER MEINHOF pictures on the run 67-77, SCALO, Zurich, Swiss, 1998
Michael Danner, CRITICAL MASS, Kehrer Verlag,Heidelberg,Germany, 2013
Michael Kerstgens, AUFRUHRGEBIET, Peperoni Books, Berlin, Germany, 2016
Hierl Bubertus, GroBe Mai-Demonstration in Ost-Berlin 1.Mai 1960, Edition daniel/media nova München, Germany,2017
AA.VV., 10 Jahre Hambacher Forst, Verlag Kettler, Dortmund, Germany,2022
Alan Gignoux, Chloe Juno, Monuments, Self publishing, London, England, 2023
Tenzin Heatherbell, Entschuldigen Sie die Störung, Sorry to disturb, Verlag Kettler, Dortmund, Germany,2024
Daniel Chatard,Niemandsland, The Eriskay Connection, Breda, The Netherlands,2024
Paolo Zappaterra, La Grecia dei Colonnelli e documenti della resistenza greca, Edizioni La Pietra,Milano,Italy,1969
AA.VV.,GRECIA LOTTA,Sezione PSI Cinisello Balsamo, Milano, Italy, 1973
Alekos Vutsaras, Today fascism dies / ΣΉΜΕΡΑ ΠΕΘΑΊΝΕΙ Ο ΦΑΣΙΣΜΌΣ, Ermias, Athens,Greece,1974
Ioannidou Ino, Barzioti Lenio, ....dell'invisibile ...Των αφανών, ANTI Publisher, Athens, Greece,1974
Spiros Antoniou, Lady Kate in the land of light - Η κυρία Kate στη χώρα του φωτός Graffiti, Kommouna, Athens, Greece, 1985
Georgios Argyratos Papa, Αποτυπώματα στον τοίχο - ΗΣ ΤΟΥ ΜΑΡΚΑΔΌΡΟΥ ΣΤΟΥΣ ΤΟΊΧΟΥΣ / Signs on the wall - The market mark in the citie, Album International, Athens, Greece,1985
H Engström / Margot Wallard, 7 Days Athens. November 2011, Superlabo, Tokyo, Japan, 2012
Lele Saveri, Hong Kong Barricades, Humboldt, Milano, Italy, 2019
Siu Ding, You are born to be romantic, Soft D Press, Hong Kong, 2019
AA.VV., FRAGRANT HARBOUR, Indipendent Hong Kong people, Hong Kong, 2020
Nicola Longobardi, BE WATER: Iconografia di una protesta, Scalpendi Editore, Milano, Italy, 2020
CHAN Long Hei, THE UNSPEAKABLE, Soft D Press, Hong Kong, 2020
AA.VV.,Szabad május elseje. Budapest 1945, Magyar Kommunista Párt, Szociáldemokrata Párt és a Szabad Szakszervezetek közös kiadása, Budapest, Hungary, 1945
AA.VV, Hungary's fight for freedom, LIFE, New York, U.S.A.,1956
AA.VV., Hungary '56, Black & Red, Detroit,Michigan,U.S.A.,1976
Erich Lessing, Revolution in Hungary, Thames & Hudson, London, England, 2006
Giorgio Cirillo, Budapest 1956 - 2006, AI ERI, Roma, Italy,2006
Michal Adamski, Two tailed dog, PIX.House, Michał Adamski, Poznań, Poland, 2019
AA.VV., Mahatma Ghandi, his life in pictures,Publications Division Ministry of Information and broadcasting Government of India, New Delhi, India,1968
AA.VV., India 150 anni di fotografie, Logos, Modena, Italy,2010
Alex Masi, Bhopal, Foto Evidence Press, New York, U.S.A.,2012
Shome Basu, Shades of Kashmir, Niyogi Books, New Delhi, India, 2015
AA.VV., Witness Kashmir 1986-2016 / Nine Photographers, Yaarbal Books, New Delhi, India, 2017
Iris Janssens, Did you know?, Mas Matbaa, Instanbul, Turkey, 2019
Susan Meiselas,Encounters with the Dani, Steidl, Göttingen, Germany,2003
AA.VV., 71th Bingkisan Revolusi, Galeri Foto Jurnalistik Antara, Jakarta, Indonesia,2016
Bahaman Jalali, Days of blood days of fire, Tehran, Iran, 1979
Saïd, The walls speak out, دیوارها صحبت می کنند, Self-published by the Freedom Movement, Tehran, Iran,1979
Michel Setboun, IRAN, l'éclatement, Le Sycomore, Paris, France, 1979
Kaveh Golestan, Mohammad Sayad, Riot, Selfpublishing, Tehran, Iran, 1979
AA.VV., Dimensions of a revolution, Council for the celebrations of the third anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Tehran, Iran,1982
AA.VV.,Hajj and the Islamic Revolution, Ministry of Islamic Guidance (Ershad), Tehran, Iran,1983
Gilles Peress, TELEX IRAN: in the Name of Revolution, Aperture, New York, U.S.A., 1984
Maryam Zandi, The Revolution of Iran '79, Nazar Publishers, Tehran, Iran, 2014
Kaveh Kazemi, Revolutionaries, The first decade, Nazar Publishing, Tehran, Iran, 2017
Maryam Zandi, The Government of 80, Nazar Art Publication, Tehran, Iran,2019
Mashid Mohadjerin, Freedom is not free, Royal Academy Fine Arts Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium,2021
AA.VV., REVOLUÇÃO E DESENVOLVIMENTO NO IRAQUE, Ministério da Cultura e da Informação, Bagdade, Iraque, 1980
Geert Van Kesteren, Why Mister, Why? Iraq 2003-2004,Artimo, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,2004
AA.VV., Israel.The reality, The World Publishing Company, The Jewish Museum New York, U.S.A.,1969
AA.VV., Activestills: Photography As Protest in Palestine/Israel, Pluto Press, London, England,2016
Marc Garanger, Togliatti, Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy,1965
AA.VV., Libro bianco sull'aggressione, Mundus, Palermo, Italy,1970
AA.VV., Il sud non aspetta più, Editrice Stasind, Roma, Italy, 1971
AA.VV., Documenti sulla violenza di sinistra in Italia, Ufficio Stampa del M.S.I., Roma,Italia,1971
Uliano Lucas, Cinque anni a Milano, Musolini editore, Torino, Italy, 1973
Dario Lanzardo, I giorni della FIAT, Lotta Continua, Torino, Italy,1973
Paola Mattioli, Anna Candiani, Immagini del No, All'Insegna del Pesce d'oro, Milano, Italy, 1974
Adriano Mordenti, come eravamo, Savelli editore, Roma, Italy, 1975
AA.VV., Roma Popolare e Democratica in 30 anni di immagini, Federazione Romana del P.C.I., Roma, Italy,1975
Paola Agosti, riprendiamoci la vita, Savelli, Roma, Italy, 1976
Aldo Bonasia, Vivere a Milano, C.S.A.A.P.P., Milano, Italy, 1976
Marcella Campagnano, donne, Moizzi Editore,Milano, Italy,1976
Enrico Scuro, bologna marzo 1977...fatti nostri..., Bertani editore, Verona, Italy,1977
Virgilio Carnisio, MANIFEST-AZIONE, Il Castello, Milano, Italy,1980
Enzo Castelli, Fratelli d'Italia & dintorni, Italo-Latino-Americana Palma, Palermo, Italy, 1982
Alfredo Polichetti, KOSSIGA BOIA, Monserrato Arte, Roma, Italy, 2006
AA.VV., PRIMO MAGGIO A CERVIGNANO, Comune di Cervignano del Friuli, Udine, Italy,2012
Sonia Lenzi, Avrei potuto essere Io, Self-published Bologna, Italy,2015
Martin Errichiello and Filippo Menichetti, IN QUARTA PERSONA, Skinnerboox, Jesi, Italy, 2018
Liliana Barchiesi, Donne è bello, Postcart, Roma, Italy, 2020
Dino Fracchia, In Piazza, rabbia e passione, Edizioni Interno4, Rimini, Italy, 2021
AA.VV., G8/VENTI. Un sogno in sospeso, Emuse, Milano, Italy,2021
Sonia Lenzi, Take Me to Live with You, A Social Family Album, Kehrer, Heidelberg, Germany,2021
Mario Cresci, Roma 1968, Editrice Quinlan, San Severino Marche,Macerata, Italy,2023
Nicoletta Grillo, Marisa Licini, Noi, Boite,Lissone, Italy,2023
Matteo Trevisan, I Guardiani della Montagna, Danilo Montanari Editore, Ravenna, Italy,2024
Hamaya Hiroshi, Document of Grief and Anger - Ikari to kanashimi no kiroku, Kawade Shobo Shinsha, Tokyo, Japan, 1960
TAKAHARA Takeru, NAGANO Shigeichi, TAKANO Toshiharu, SATO Shozo, DEGAWA Hiroshi, A record of unforgivable days - Yurusenai hi kara no kiroku, Mugi Shobo, Tokyo, Japan, 1960
Hiroshi Kawashima, Miike Coal Mine: Document of the 200-Day Fight Miike: Nihyakunichi no tatakai no kiroku, Mai Shobo,Tokyo, Japan,1960
Hamaguchi Takashi,DOCUMENTARY PHOTOGRAPHS of HAMAGUCHI TAKASHI 1959-1968, Nihon Hodo Shashin Remmel, Tokyo, Japan, 1969
All University Joint Struggle Committee of Nihon University, Nichidai toso / The struggle at Nihon University, Godosangyo, Tokyo, Japan, 1969
Kurihara Tatsuo, Ikari wo hibi no tate ni - Anger is our daily bread, Tojusha, Tokyo, Japan,1969
Koshichi Taira & Others, Photographs of Okinawa,one million people people's distress and resistance, Shinjidaisha, Tokyo, Japan,1970
Kurihara Tatsuo, OKINAWA 1961-1970: Photoreportage, Asahi Shinbunsha, Tokyo, Japan,1971
Mitome Tadao, Sanrizuka - Moeru Hokuso Daichi / Document 1966-71, Shinsensha, Tokyo,Japan,1971
Kazuo Kitai, Sanrizuka 1969 -1971, Nora-sha, Tokyo, Japan, 1971
Eugene and Aileen Smith, MINAMATA, Holt, Rinehart, Winston / Alskog, New York, U.S.A.,1975
Takashi Hamaguchi, The Shudders of Narita Airport, Self-publishing, Yokohama, Japan, 1978
Kunio Kosugi, The depression and the liberation of KAMAGASAKI (1973-1978),Play Guide Journal, Osaka, Japan,1978
Kenji Higuchi, Photo document Japan's nuclear power plants, Origin, Tokyo, Japan,1979
Kikujiro Fukushima, Report from a battleground - Senjo kara no hokoku - Sanrizuka 1967-1977, Shakai Hyoronsha, Tokyo, Japan,1980
AA.VV., Zenkoku Suiheisha Rokujuunenshi, Kaihatsu Publishing, Osaka, Japan,1982
Shigeru Tamura, Postwar history of my camera, Shinnihon Publishing Co.,Tokyo, Japan,1984
Hanabusa Shinzo, What happened to the rural areas of Japan, 日本の地方はどうなったか, Otsuki Shoten, Tokyo, Japan,1989
Domon Ken, Chikuho no Kodomotachi / The Children of Chikuho, Tsukiji Shokan, Tokyo, Japan,1991
Hitomi Watanabe, ToÌ"dai ZenkyoÌ"toÌ" 1968-1969, Shinchosha Publisher, Tokyo, Japan, 2007
Kikujiro Fukushima, Work of Kikujiro Fukushima, Self publishing, Tokyo, Japan,2008
Kazuo Kitai, Agitators, Zen photo gallery, Tokyo, Japan, 2012
AA.VV., Provoke: Between Protest and Performance: Photography in Japan 1960/1975, Steidl,Göttingen, Germany-LE BAL, Paris, France-Albertina, Wien, Austria- Fotomuseum Winterthur,Winterthur,Switzerland,2016
Kanta Nomura, Asahi Shimbun, Kyodo News, Kyoto University Shimbun, Kyoto University Archives, Kyohei Ogawa, Minoru Ueda, Yoshiharu Naka,The Yoshida Dormitory Students' History,Cesura Publishing, Pianello, Italy,2022
Shisei Kuwabara, The story of Life MINAMATA,Kunpur, Tokyo, Japan,2022
Anthony Howarth, Kenyatta. A photographic biography, East African Publishing House, Nairobi, Kenya,1967
Mohamed Amin, Tom Mboya: a photographic tribute, East Africa Publishing House, Nairobi, Kenya,1969
Yasuyoshi Chiba, Boniface Mwangi, Kenya burning, The GoDown Arts Center and Kwani Trust, Nairobi, Kenya,2009
Priya Ramrakha, Priya Ramrakha: The Recovered Archive, Kehrer, Heidelberg, Germany,2018
Max Pinckers, State of Emergency - Harakati za Mau Mau kwa Haki, Usawa na Ardhi Yetu, Self publishing, Brussels, Belgium,2024
Susan Meiselas, Kurdistan: In the Shadow of History, Random House, New York, U.S.A, 1997
Sonja Hamad, » JIN – JIYAN – AZADI « WOMEN, LIFE, FREEDOM, Fugazine, Roma, Italy, 2020
Stefano Sbrulli, PESHMERGA, BStudio, Roma, Italy,2021
AA.VV., The Human march in the Libyan Arab Republic, Department of Information and Cultural Affairs,Libyan Arab Republic, Tripoli, Libya,1976
AA.VV., The Martyr Omar al - Mukhtar, Garyounis University Bengasi, Lybia, 1979
AA.VV., CRUZ NEGRA o el sumario de la conspiración contra LÍBANO, Edición UNIÓN SOCIALISTA ARABE, Beirut, Lebanon, 1976
Chris Steele - Perkins, Beirut: Frontline story, Pluto Press, London, England,1983
Catherine Leroy, God Cried, Quartet Books, London, England,1983
AA.VV., The Beirut spring, Independence 05, Dar An-Nahar and Quantum Communications, Beirut, Lebanon, 2005
Rabin Mroué, Diary of a leap year, Kaph Books SAL, Beirut, Lebanon, 2017
AA.VV., Lietuva 1991.01.13: išleista okupacinėmis sa̜lygomis, Vyturys, Vilnius, Lithuania, 1991
AA.VV., Lietuva 1991.01.13, Valstybinis leidybos centras, Vilnius, Lithuania,1991
AA.VV., Užgrobti, bet nenutildyti, Valstybinis leidybos centras, Vilnius, Lithuania,1991
AA.VV., The gift of Vilnius "A terrible beauty is born", Public Affairs Council Lithuanian American Community, Chicago, U.S.A.,1991
AA.VV., The wind that swept Mexico, The history of the mexican revolution 1910-1942, University of Texas Press., Austin, Texas, USA, 1971
Elena Poniatowska, La noche de Tlatelolco, Ediciones Era, México D.F., México,1971
AA.VV., 1910 -1920 immagini fotografiche della rivoluzione messicana, Priuli & Verlucca, Ivrea, Italy,1983
Rafael Doniz, H Ayuntamiento popular de Juchitan, Offset Setenta S.A., Mexico D.F., Mexico,1983
AA.VV., Mexico en campaña 1994, Grupo Desea S.A. de C.V.,Mexico City, Mexico,1994
Giovanni Donfrancesco, I senza volto. Chiapas:immagini di una dignità ribelle, Giampiero Pagnini editore, Firenze, Italia,1997
Easton Cowboys and Cowgirls archive, Freedom Through Football: The Story of the Easton Cowboys and Cowgirls : Inside Britain's Most Intrepid Sports Club, Tangent Books, Bristol, England, 2001
Agustin Victor Casasola, Mexico the Revolution and Beyond, Aperture, New York, USA, 2003
AA.VV., Miradas,ecos y reflejos...de la utopia al zapatismo y viceversa, Comisión Confederal de Solidaridad con Chiapas, Madrid, Spain,2004
Elaine Sendyk, Protest graffiti Mexico Oaxaca, Mark Batty Publisher, New York, U.S.A.,2007
AA.VV., Mexico: fotografia y revolución, Lunwerg, Barcelona,Spain / Fundacion Televisa, Mexico D.F., Mexico,2010
Pablo Ortiz Monasterio, Desaparecen?, RM Mexico DF, Mexico, Nazraeli,UK, 2016
Pablo Ortiz Monasterio, OCUPACIÓN MILITAR, RM Verlag,City of Mexico, Mexico,2018
Giulia Iacolutti, Casa Azul, The(M) éditions, Paris.French / Studiofaganel, Gorizia,Italia, 2019
Bruno Serralongue, Encuentro Chiapas, Spector books, Leipzig. Germany,2020
Uryu Tadao, Burma war diary, Burma Senki, Kyoiyosha, Tokyo, Japan,1945
Jan Banning, Burma behind the mask, Burma Centrum Nederland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,1996
Har Si Yone and many unknown studios, YANGON FASHION 1979 – Fashion=Resistance, Fraglich Publishing, Bregenz, Austria,2020
Gian Butturini, Nel deserto una Repubblica di pace, Fondazione Internazionale Lelio Basso, Roma, Italy,1985
Christine de Grancy, Die Sahraouis, Söhne und Töchter der Wolken, Greno Verlagsgesellschaft, Nordlingen, Germany,1987
AA.VV., Frelimo terceiro congreso, Instituto Nacional do Livro e do Disco, Maputo, Mozambique,1978
Moira Forjaz, Susan Meiselas, Imagens de uma revolução, Partido Frelimo, Maputo, Mozambique,1984
AA.VV.,This is Namibia. A pictorial introduction, International Defence & Aid Fund for Southern Africa, London, England,1984
International Defence & Aid Fund for Southern Africa collection, NAMIBIA IN STRUGGLE: a pictorial history, International Defence & Aid Fund for Southern Africa, London, England, 1987
Marcelo Brodsky, Traces of violence, ARTCO Galerie Berlin GmbH, Berlin, Germany,2021
Nepal Picture Library, DALIT a quest for dignity, Photo.circle, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2018
AA.VV. Nepal Picture Library, The Public Life of Women: A Feminist Memory Project, Photo.circle / Nepal Picture Library, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2023
AA.VV., With all our strength, An Account of the Anti-Tour Movement in Christchurch 1981, Black Cat, Christchurch, New Zealand,1982
AA.VV.,Protest Tautohetohe: Objects of Resistance, Persistence and Defiance, Te Papa Press, Wellington, New Zealand, 2019
- Koen Wessing, Nicaragua '78, Van Gennep, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,1978
- Perry Kretz, Descalzos a la Victoria, Barefoot to Victory, Hannibal Publishing, Salzburg, Austria,1980
- Thomas Billhardt, Als die Muchachos kamen, begegnungen in Nikaragua, Militarverlag, Berlin, Germany ex DDR,1982
- Bertien van Manen, De Strijd, van de vrouwen in Nicaragua, Van Gennep, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,1984
- Claudia Gordillo, Nicaragua sandinista: frammenti di una rivoluzione, L'Alfabeto Urbano, Edizioni Sintesi, NdR/Napoli, Italy,1987
- AA.VV., Nicaragua a decade of a revolution, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, U.S.A., London, England,1991
- Susan Meiselas, Nicaragua, Aperture, New York, U.S.A.,2008
- Olivia Heussler, The dream of solentiname, Nicaragua 1984 - 2007, Edition Patrick Frey, Zürich, Switzerland,2009
- Margarita Montealegre, Nicaragua, insurreccìon y revolucìon, Aula Propia, Managua, Nicaragua,2015
- PhotoDemos Collective:AMA Y NO OLVIDA, Museo de la Memoria contra la Impunidad, Fotografía y Memoria en Nicaragua / The April Rebellion: Photography and Memory in Nicaragua,Self-published,2022
Clive Limpkin, The Battle of Bogside, Penguin books, Harmondsworth, England,1972
Gian Butturini, Dall'Irlanda dopo Londonderry, Bareggi Editore, Milano, Italy,1972
AA.VV., Mord & Terror. Britischer Imperialismus: Nordirland, Fischer, Taschenbuch, Frankfurt am Main, Germany,1972
Chris-Steele Perkins, Homer Sykes, Das kurze Leben des Brian Stewart: Alltag im irischen Bürgerkrieg, Elefanten Press Verlag, Berlin, Germany,1981
Donovan Wylie, The Maze, Granta Books, London, England, 2004
AA.VV., Scrapbook, Steidl, Göttingen, Germany, 2009
Yan Morvan, Bobby Sands, Belfast May 1981, André Frère Éditions, Marseille, French, 2018
Kaveh Kazemi, My days in troubled Ireland, Nazar Publication, Teheran, Iran,2019
Gilles Peress, Annals of the North, Steidl, Göttingen, Germany, 2020
Andrew Moore, The Troubles. Belfast 1980s - 1990s, Café Royal Books, Southport, England, 2021
Akihiko Okamura, The Memories of Others, Prestel, Munchen,London, New York,2024
AA.VV.,Altakampen, Háldde Forlag,Alta, Norway, 2019
AA.VV., Mardøla 1970, Aksjonen som endra Norge, Blomsterhaug, Stangvik, Norway,2023
Donald McCullin, The Palestinians, Quartet Books Limited, London, England,1979
AA.VV., Activestills: Photography As Protest in Palestine/Israel, Pluto Press, London, England, 2016
AA.VV., PERU' El poder al pueblo, Editorial del Noroeste, Buenos Aires, Argentina,1974
AA.VV., Uchuraccay: testimonio de una masacre, Guillermo Thorndike Editor, Lima, Perù,1983
Carlos "Chino" Dominguez, Los Peruanos, America Leasing Ediciones, Lima, Perù, 1999
AA.VV., La verdad sobre el Espanto, el Perù en los tiempos del terror, Caretas, Lima, Perù,2013
Alessando Cinque, Peru, un Estado Toxico, Raya Editorial, Lima,Perú, 2023
Stefano Sbrulli, Donde los niños no sueñan, BStudio, Roma, Italy,2024
AA.VV., People power: The Philippine Revolution of 1968, James B.Reuter, S.J. Foundation Manila Philippines, 1986
AA.VV.,Bayan Ko! Immagini della rivolta filippina, Jaca Book, Milano, Italy,1987
Joanna Helander, Kobieta: en bok om kvinnor i Polen, Fyra Förläggare, Helsinborg, Sweden,1978
AA.VV.,GDANSK 1980 pictures from a strike, Puls Publications, London, England,1981
Erazm Ciołek, Stop, kontrola, Stocznia Gdańska Sierpień 1980, Komitet Wydawniczy, NSZZ Solidarność Regio Mazowsze, Warsaw, Poland,1981
AA.VV., Poznań - Czerwiec '56, Krajowa Agencia Wydawnicza Oddzial Poznaniu, Kraków, Poland,1981
Sylwester Braun "Kris", Reportaze z Powstania Warszawskiego, Krajowa Agencia Wydawnicza, Warszawa, Poland,1983
Erazm Ciołek, POLSKA Sierpień 1980 sierpień 1989, Editions Spotkania, Warszawa, Poland,1990
Stanislaw Markowski, Markowski, Fotografie / Photography 1980-1989, Znak, Kraków, Poland,1990
AA.VV., SOLIDARNOŚĆ, Twenty Years of History, Polska Agencja Informacyjna, Warsaw, Poland,2000
AA.VV., SOLIDARNOŚĆ. POCZĄTEK DROGI sierpien 1980 - grudzien 1981, The Beginning, Muzeum Narodowego/ Polskiej Agencji Prasowej Warszawie, Poland,2005
Mirosław Stępniak, Narodziny S, Narodowe Centrum Kultury Warszawa, Warszawa, Poland,2014
Rafal Milach, The First March of Gentlemen, Kolekcja Wrzesińska, Poland, 2017
APP, Strike Newspaper, The Archives of Public Protests, Warsaw, Poland, 2020
Kris Oosting, WOJNA, Uitgeverij Loolee, Almelo, The Netherlands,2021
Rafał Milach, Strajk/ Strike, JEDNOSTKA Gallery, Warszawa, Warsaw, Poland,2021
AA.VV., Gazeta Strajkowa #03, Archiwum Protestów Publicznych/The Archives of Public Protests, Warszawa, Poland,2021
AA.VV., Gazeta strajkova app #06, Archiwum Protestów Publicznych/The Archives of Public Protests, Warszawa, Poland,2021
Beata Bartecka, Łukasz Rusznica, How to look natural in photos, Institute of National Remembrance – Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation (IPN), Poland,2021
Michał Adamski, Dark by day Dark by night, X.PRINT – FUNDACJA PIX.HOUSE, Poznań, Poland,2023
Alan Gignoux, Chloe Juno, The Powers That Be, Gignouxphots, England,2024
AA.VV., Portugal livre: 20 Fotografos da imprensa contam tudo sobre a revoluçao das Flores, Editorial O SECULO, Lisboa, Portugal, 1974
Giancarlo De Bellis, Primo maggio a Lisbona, Teti &C. Milano, Italy, 1974
José Marques, As Paredes em liberdade, Editorial Teorema, Lisboa, Portugal, 1974
AA.VV., 25 de abril - documento, Casa Viva Editora. Limitada, Lisboa, Portugal,1974
Eduardo Gageiro, Fernando Baibao, Alfredo Cunha, O povo unido jamais sera vencido, O Seculo ilustrado, Lisbon, Portugal,1974
Uliano Lucas, La primavera di Lisbona, anno primo della rivoluzione, Vallecchi editore, Firenze, Italy,1975
José and Álvaro Tavares, José Teixeira, Portugal ano um da revolução, Edições Dêagá, Lisboa, Portugal,1975
Impresa Diaria Capa de M.A. Mendes, OS SALAZARENTOS, Estudio de Arte Comercial, Lisboa, Portugal,1975
Jochen Moll, Grândola, Reportagen aus Portugal, Mitteldeutscher Verlag, Halle, Germany,1976
AA.VV., da Resistência à Libertação, Mil Dias, Editora, Lisboa, Portugal,1977
Alfredo Cunha, Disparos, Terra Livre, Lisbona, Portugal,1977
AA.VV., Da resistência à libertação, Secretaria de Estado da Comunicação Social e patente no Mercado do Povo, Lisboa, Portugal,1977
Sérgio Guimarães, As Paredes na revolução , GRAFFITI, Mil Dias Editora, Lisboa, Portugal, 1978
AA.VV., Partido Comunista Portugues 60 anos de Luta ao Serviço do Povo e da Patria 1921-1981,Edições «Avante!», Lisboa, Portugal,1982
Fausto Giaccone, UNA STORIA PORTOGHESE, Randazzo Focus, Palermo, Italy, 1987
Paixao Esteves, Murais de Abril 1974, Biblioteca-Museu República e Resistência, Lisbon, Portugal,1998
Franco Nencini, Teodoro Briz, 25 de Abril, Os Muros da Revolução, CAIS - Associação de Solidariedade Social, Lisboa, Portugal,1999
Carlos Gil, UM FOTÓGRAFO NA REVOLUÇÃO, Editorial Caminho, Lisboa, Portugal,2004
Alfredo de Almeida Coelho da Cunha, Os rapazes dos tanques, Porto Editora, Lisboa, Portugal,2014
Jean Marie del Moral, 25 abril 74, RM Verlag, Barcelona,Spain, Mexico D.F., Mexico and Levoir, Lisbon, Portugal,2024
Fausto Giaccone, Portugal 1975, Postcart Edizioni, Roma, Italy, 2024
AA.VV., Dosare ale Revolutiei, Revista Tribuna Cluj, Cluj, Romania,1989
AA.VV., Cronica insingerata a Bucurestiului in revolutie 1990, Tineretul Liber, Bucarest, Romanian,1990
AA.VV.,Libertate Roumanie 1989, Éditions Denoël, Paris, France,1990
AA.VV.,VOM MURI SI VOM FI LIBERI - ALBUM REVOLUTIE -1990, Editura Meridiane, Bucharest, Romania,1990
Razvan Rotta, Martor ocular, Piata Libertatii, Cluj, Supplement magazine "NU", Cluj, Romanian,1990
AA.VV., Bucureşti oras martir - oras erou, Editura Meridiane Bucuresti, Bucarest, Romania,1990
AA.VV., 1989 The Romanian revolution, National News Agency Rompres, Bucharest, Romanian,2004
AA.VV.,1935 History Of The Civil War In USSR, USSR Government,1935
AA.VV., RUDÁ ARMÁDA, Svět sovětů, Prague, Czech Republic,1946
AA.VV.,¡Viva Cuba! Visita de Fidel Castro a la Unión Soviética, Pravda Editorial Board Moscow, Russia,1963
AA.VV., TROTSKY, Penguin Books, London, England,1972
Liu Heung Shing and Associated Press, USSR - The collapse of an Empire, Asia 2000, Hong Kong,1992
Shisei Kuwabara, Yameru taikoku Roshia 病める大国 ロシア, Russia, a sick great nation, Heibonsha, Tokyo, Japan,1995
David King, Red Star over Russia, Tate Gallery, London, England,2009
AA.VV., FEMEN, Calmann-Levy, Paris, France,2013
Rob Hornstra, The secret history of Khava Gaisanova and the North Caucasus, The Sochi Project, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,2013
Bert Verwelius, Pussy Riot unmasked, teNeues, Kempen, Germany,2014
Michael Kerstgens, The Final Winter, Peperoni books, Berlin, Germany,2017
Jan Banning, Red Utopia, Communist 100 Years After The Russian Revolution, Ipso Facto, Utrecht,The Netherolands & Nazraeli Press, Paso Robles, U.S.A.,2017
AA.VV., 9. MAPT 1991., Kamenko, Sremcica, Serbia,1991
Nenad Šeguljev, Đorđe Simović, Petar Mirosavljević, Ove noge nisu male - Almanah studentskog protesta, Studentski kulturni centar, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2016
AA.VV., The Julian March / La Marche Julienne/Juliskaja Kraina, Ministry of Culture Yugoslav, Yugoslavia,1946
AA.VV., Koledar Osvobodilne fronte Slovenije1947, Slovenski knjižni zavod, Ljubljani, Slovenia,1947
Tone Stojko, Slovenska pomland , Slovenian spring, Prodok, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1992
Tone Stojko, Naša jeza je brezmejna: demonstracije 1968-2020, Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije, Ljubljana, Slovenia,2021
NON-GRUPA, SRAMOTA-SHAME, Institute of Culture and Memory Studies,Založba ZRC, Ljubljana, Slovenia,2022
Nik Erik Neubauer, Kje je after? Where's the Afters?, Muzej novejše in sodobne zgodovine Slovenije, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2023
AA.VV., 105 Petkov: Kolesarski protesti 2020-2022, Institute of Culture and Memory Studies,Založba ZRC, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2023
Ian Berry, Shooting at Sharpeville, the agony of South Africa, Victor Gollancz Ltd, London, England,1960
Ernest Cole, HOUSE OF BONDAGE, Random house, New York, U.S.A., 1967
Peter Magubane, SOWETO, Don Nelson, Cape Town, South Africa, 1978
Peter Magubane, Magubane's South Africa, Alfred A. Knopf, New Yor, U.S.A.,1978
AA.VV., WOMEN UNDER APARTHEID, United Nations Centre Against Apartheid and International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa, London, England,1981
Eli Weinberg,Portrait of a People: A Personal Photographic Record of the South African Liberation Struggle,International Defence Aid Fund for South Africa, London, England,1981
AA.VV., Unity in action, a photographic History of the African National Congress, South Africa 1912 -1982, African National Congress, London, England, 1982
Peter Magubane, June 16, the fruit of fear, Skotaville Publisher, Johannersburg, South Africa,1986
AA.VV., South Africa. The Cordoned Heart, Gallery Press, Cape Town, South Africa,1986
Themba Nkosi, The time of the comrades, Skotaville Publishers, Johannesburg,South Africa,1987
AA.VV., Beyond the Barricades: Popular Resistance in South Africa, Aperture, Kliptown Books (Afrapix), New York / Cape Town, South Africa, 1989
Greg Marinovich, João Silva, Kevin Carter, Ken Oosterbroek, The Bang Bang Club, snapshots from a hidden war, Basic Books, New York, U.S.A.,2000
Koto Bolofo, Claudia Van Ryssen-Bolofo, The Prison, Steidl, Göttingen, Germany,2013
Gideon Mendel, Freedom or Death, Gost Books, London, England, 2019
Santu Mofokeng, n.8,Politics (Included in Stories a box with 21 publications), Steidl, Göttingen, Germany,2019
Juhan Kuus, South Africa in Black and White, Harrap Ltd, London, England,1987
P.G.,Alfonso, Kaulak, Diaz Casariego, Campúa, La revolucion y sus complices, LOS DOS BIENIOS. RECORDATORIO GRAFICO DE BOLSILLO, Ediciones El Caballero Audaz, Madrid, Spain,1936
Carlo Boselli, Spagna in fiamme, Rizzoli e C. Editori, Milano, Italy, 1937
Bernardo Gil Mugarza, España en llamas 1936, Acervo, Barcelona, Spain,1968
Ministerio de Información y Turismo, Nuño Fernando, Los últimos días de Franco vistos en TVE, Editorial departemento de publicaciones RTVE, Madrid, Spain, 1975
Mariano Guindal, Juan H. Gimenez, EL LIBRO NEGRO DE VITORIA, Ediciones 99,Madrid, Spain, 1976
AA.VV., Pintadas Del Referendum, El Equipo Diorama, Madrid, Spain,1977
AA.VV., Un millón de segadors, Ediciones ActualesS.A., Barcelona, Spain, 1977
AA.VV., Castigo a los culpables, Errudune! Zigorra - UZTAILA, 8-15, 1978 - Julio, Equipo de información y solidaridad Pamplona, Pamplona, Spain,1978
AA.VV., EUSKADI 1977 - 1987, International Book Creation, Comision GERNIKA 37-87, Spain,1987
Reginaldo Marinho, Espanha: Via, Democratica, Senado Federal Secretaria de Documentação e Informação, Brasilia, Brazil,1987
Jordi Play, Objectiu: la pau, 34 dies inoblidables, Edicions 62, Barcelona, Spain,2003
Pilar Aymerich Puig, Memòria d'un temps 1975-79, Museu D’Historia de Catalunya e Fundaciò Caixa Sabadell, Barcelona, Spain,2004
Mario Zamora, To the moon and back, RVB Books, Paris, France, 2015
Javier Viver, Cristo y Anticristos, RM Editorial, Barcelona, Spain, 2020
Maurizio Montagna, TOROS THE MARKING OF A TERRITORY, Artphilein editions, Lugano, Switzerland,2022
Maurizio Canetta, Zürich gegen Zürich, Armando Dadò Editore, Locarno, Switzerland, 1981
Mario Del Curto, Armand (jun.) Deriaz, Philippe Maeder, Suisse en mouvement, Edition d'en bas, Lausanne, Switzerland,1981
Olivia Heussler, Zürich, Sommer 1980, Edition Patrick Frey, Zurich, Switzerland, 2010
Miklós Klaus Rózsa and others, Miklós Klaus Rózsa, Spector Books, Leipzig, Germany and CPRESS, Zurich, Switzerland, 2014
AA.VV., Zürcher Bewegung, Band 32, Edition Patrick Frey, Zürich, Switzerland, 2020
Bernard Willemin, Naissance d'un canton 1962-1978, Éditions du Sauvage, Porrentruy, Switzerland,2021
Eric Bachmann, The one man water cannon test, Every Edition, Zürich, Switzerland,2023
AA.VV., We must never forget them. Syrian Arab Republic - Leadership of the Revolutionar, Syrian Arab Republic - Leadership of the Revolutionary Youth Union,1982
Nicolas Righetti, Yes to a rosy future, Trolley Books, London, England, 2012
AA.VV., Thai popular uprising October 1973, National Student Center of Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand,1974
AA.VV, And unfortunately some people died, Thitipong Srisaen Publisher Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand,2011
AA.VV, No God No King Only Human, KARAVA Publishing, Bangkok, Thailand,2022
Cor Jaring, Dit hap hap happens in Amsterdam, Arbeiderspers,Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1966
AA.VV, OPROER IN AMSTERDAM. Het verhaal van twee historische dagen 13-14 juni 1966, H.J.W. Becht, Utrecht, The Netherlands,1966
Eva Besnyö, Meid, wat ben ik bewust geworden. Vijf jaar Dolle Mina, Stichting Uitgeverij Dolle Mina, L'Aja, The Netherlands, 1975
AA.VV.,Blauwemaandag. Omdat mijn huis daar stond 24 maart 1975, Aktiegroep Nieuwmarkt, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1975
AA.VV., Aangiften boek nieuwmarkt, Juridische groep nieuwmarkt, Amsterdam,The Netherlands,1975
AA.VV., De sterke arm, VU Boekhandel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,1979
AA.VV., De Vondelstraat: Verslagen van Radio STAD 29 februari - 3 maart 1980, Van Gennep, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,1980
AA.VV., Het feest dat Wiegel wilde, De Uitbuyt Wageningen, Wageningen, The Netherlands,1980
Ronald Hoeben, Steye Raviez, De Stads Oorlog Amsterdam '80, AW Sijthoff Alphen Aan Den Rijn, Leiden, The Netherlands,1981
AA.VV., Nederlandzegt NEE!, Heiermann & Co., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1981
AA.VV., Dodewaard gaat dicht '8, een fotoverslag, Onderstroom/NFK, Nijmegen, The Netherlands,1981
Paul Babeliowsky, Jan Everhard, Eduard De Kam, Verkiezingsstrijd '81. De sombere start van de jaren '80, Stichting Burgerschapskunde, Leiden, The Netherlands,1981
Michel Pellanders, De Kater van het Gelijk, Fragment Uitgeverij, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1982
Ben Krewinkel, A Possible Life. Conversations with Gualbert, f0.23 Publishing, Haarlem, The Netherland,2012
Rogier Fokke, Bert Verhoeff, KRAAKREPUBLIEK, Lecturis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2016
Halil, A CLOUD OF BLACK SMOKE, Focuskop Fotoform, Stockholm,Sweden, 2007
Frederick Lezmi, Taksim calling, Sunday Books, Instanbul, Turkey,2013
Korhan Karaoksal, REASON PURPOSE, Masa Publishing, Instanbul, Turkey, 2016
Mine Dal, Everybody's Atatürk, Edition Patrick Frey, Zürich, Switzerland, 2020
Emin Özmen, Olay, Mack books, London, England, 2023
Various photographers by Uganda Broadcasting Corporation, The Unseen Archive of Idi Amin, Prestel Publishing, London, England, 2021
Kristof Titeca, Badru Katumba, Zahara Abdul, Nasser road: Political Posters in Uganda, The Eriskay Connecition, Breda, The Netherlands,2023
Kristof Titeca, Rebel Lives: Photographs from inside the Lord s Resistance Army, Hannibal Books, Veurne, Belgium,2019
Sergiy Lebedynskyy, Vladyslav Krasnoshchok (Shilo Group), Chronicle, Dienacht Publishing, Leipzig, Germany, 2015
David Daniel, LET US NOT FALL ASLEEP WHILE WALKING, Dewi Lewis Publishing, Stockport, England, 2019
Andy Rocchelli, UKRAINA REVOLUTION III, Cesura Publisher, Piacenza, Italy, 2022
Émeric Lhuisset, Ukraine - Hundred Hidden Faces - Civilians up in Arms, Paradox and André Frère Éditions, Marseille, French, 2022
Rafal Milach, Ievgen Stepanets, Elena Subach, UATLAS WAR MIGRATION RECORD, UATLAS, Warsaw, Poland,2022
AA.VV., El movimiento sindical, Nuestra Tierra, Montevideo, Uruguay,1969
AA.VV, La acción terrorista en Uruguay, DINARP Direccion Nacional de Relaciones Publicas, Montevideo, Uruguay,1980
Aurelio Gonzalez, Una Historia en imágenes 1957 - 1973, Alter Ediciones, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2015
José Luis Sosa, Cyro Giambruno, Camaratres, Uruguay 1983-1985, Centro de la Fotografia CdF, Montevideo, Uruguay,2015
Richard Avedon, Nothing personal, Dell Books, New York, U.S.A,1965
Anthony Aviles, Don Charles, Harlem Stirs, Marzani & Munsell Publishers, Inc. New York, U.S.A., 1966
David Douglas Duncan, I Protest, The New American Library, Inc. New York, U.S.A., 1968
AA.VV., PEOPLE’S PARK, Ballantine Books, New York, U.S.A, 1969
Leonard Freed, Black in white America, Büchergilde Gutenberg, Berlin, Germany, 1969
Paul Fusco, LA CAUSA The California grape strike, Colluer books, New York, U.S.A.,1970
Jill Freedman, Old news: Resurrection city, Grossman Publishers, New York, U.S.A., 1970
AA.VV., Right on! A documentary on Student Protest, Bantam Books, New York,U.S.A.,1970
Hans Levi, Street Jesus, Scrimshaw Press, San Francisco,U.S.A., 1972
Harvey Wilson Richards, CRITICAL FOCUS, Estuary Press, Oakland, U. S. A., 1986
Danny Lyon, Memories of the Southern Civil Rights Movement, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, U.S.A., 1992
Stephen Shames, Black Panthers, Edition de La Martinière, Paris, France,2006
Robert Dunn, OWS - Occupy Wall Street, Coral Press Art, New York, U.S.A, 2012
Amani Willet, Disquiet, Damiani editore, Bologna, Italy, 2013
Lee Friedlander, Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom, Eakins Press Foundation, New York, U.S.A., 2015
Mathieu Asselin, Monsanto: une Enquête Photographique, Actes Sud Editions, Arles, France,2017
Ken Schles, PHOTOPAPER 55/56- Silence will not protect me, PHOTOPAPER, Kassel, Germany, 2020
Tish Lampert, We Protest, fighting for what we believe in, Rizzoli, New York, U.S.A.,2020
Nona Faustine, White shoes, Mack books, London, England,2021
AA.VV.,Libertad con sangre, el madrugon del 23 de enero, Publisher unknown, Caracas, Venezuela, 1958
AA.VV., El 4 De Febrero. Por Ahora...., Fuentes Editores, Caracas, Venezuela,1992
AA.VV., Objetivo: Miraflores. Retratos de un país herido, Cadena Capriles, Caracas, Venezuela, 2002
Carsten Todtmann, Todos Marchan, O.T. Editores, Caracas, Venezuela, 2005
Ronald Pizzoferrato, Plomo, Artphilein Editions SA, Lugano, Swiss, 2021
Felix Greene,VIETNAM VIETNAM in photographs and text, Fulton Publisher, Palo Alto, California U.S.A.,1966
AA.VV., Le Vietnam en lutte, Editions de L'Agence de Presse Novosti, Moscow, Russia,1966
Marc Riboud, Face of North Vietnam, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, U.S.A., 1970
Philip Jones Griffiths, Vietnam Inc., Collier Books, New York, U.S.A., 1971
Bruno Caruso, VIETNAM: Bibliografia e documenti sull'aggressione imperialista contro il popolo vietnamita, Alfani editore, Roma, Italy, 1972
AA.VV., Il Vietnam chiama, Società editrice Unità Operaia, Roma, Italy,1972
AA.VV., HO CHI MINH, Alfani editore, Roma, Italy,1974
Vietnam Revolution Museum, Táºp ảnh 45 năm hoạt Ä‘á»™ng của Äảng Lao Ä‘á»™ng Việt Nam 45 years of the Worker's Party of Vietnam (1930-1975), Kim Dong and Vietnam Revolution Museum, Saigon, Vietnam,1975
Goro Nakamura, Vietnam war and dioxin, Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, Japan,1999
Nicola Bertasi, Like Rain Falling from the Sky, Studiofaganel, Gorizia, Italy, 2023
Robert Lebeck, Afrika im jahre null, Hammerlich & Lesser, Hamburg, Germany, 1961
AA.VV., let there be a world, The Fulton Publishing Company, Meadville, U.S.A.,1963
AA.VV., Staeck:Pornografie, Edition Kölling/Anabas Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, Germany,1971
Paolo Gasparini, Para verte mejor, américa latina, Siglo XXI Editores, Mexico City, Mexico, 1972
AA.VV., I movimenti femministi, Magazine Skema, Bologna Italy,1973
AA.VV., Our Bodies, Ourselves: A Book by and for Women, Simon & Schuster, New York, U.S.A.,1973
Michiko Matsumoto, Women come alive, Hanashi-no-Tokushu, Tokyo, Japan, 1978
AA.VV., China - Burma - India, WORLD WAR II, Time-Life Books, New York, U.S.A.,1978
Benedict J. Fernandez, Protest, Photographs 1963-1995, Edition Stemmle, Zurich, Switzerland,1996
Abbas, Viaggio nell'Islam del mondo,Contrasto, Roma, Italy,2002
Jenny Matthews, Women and war, Pluto Press, London, England,2003
AA.VV.,L'arte del manifesto politico 1914-1989, Skira, Milano, Italy,2005
Jules Spinatsch, Temporary Discomfort; Chapter I-V, Lars Müller Publishers, Baden, Switzerland, 2005
Paolo Pellegrin, Alors que je mourais..., Actes Sud, Arles, France,2007
AA.VV., MAI 1968 La révolte en images, Hors Collection, Paris, France,2007
Rodrigo Moya,Una mirada documental, Ediciones El Milagro,Distrito Federal, Mexico,2011
AA.VV., Democracy: an ongoing challenge, Lars Müller Publishers, Zürich, Switzerland,2013
AA.VV., Protest. The Aesthetics of Resistance, Lars Müller Publishers, Zurich, Switzerland, 2018
Marcelo Brodsky,1968: The fire of ideas, Editorial RM, and others, Mexico City, Mexico,2018
Robert Lebeck, Robert Lebeck 1968, Steidl, Göttingen, Germany,2018
Patrícia Almeida & David-Alexandre Guéniot, MA VIE VA CHANGER, Ghost Edition, Lisbon, Portugal, 2020
Roberto Aguirrezabala, Antimanifesto, Self-published, Bilbao, Spain, 2020
AA.VV., Mi smo Titovi, Tito je naš, Spektar, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 1977
AA.VV., Titova poslednja bitka, Milos Milkeln, Ljubljana, Slovenia,1980