Title: USSR - The collapse of an Empire
Photographer(s): Liu Heung Shing and Associated Press
Writer(s): Carroll Bogert
Designer(s): Beth A.Crowell
Publisher(s): Asia 2000, Hong Kong
Year: 1992
Print run:
Language(s): English
Pages: 176
Size: 21,5 x 28 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Eastern printing Co.Ltd, Bangkok, Thailand
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Ussr,
ISBN: 9627160210
August 1991 - a dramatic coup, a historic milestone, a focal point in a second Soviet revolution that is sweeping the nation toward democracy and changing the balance of power throughout the republics and the world. Liu Heung Shing, a Moscow photojournalist with the Associated Press, captures the human dimensions of the Soviet empire's economic and political collapse and the spirited campaigns of its people for democracy and the regional independence. With his fellow AP photographers, Liu freeze-frames the coup, catching Boris Yeltsin at his political heights, Mikhail Gorbachev at his political bottom; and all the drama as it played out in the streets, in the Parliament, and atop the tanks during those simmering days of August. A compelling essay by Carroll Bogert, a Newsweek Moscow correspondent, accompanies the photographers, describing the extraordinary Soviet revolution that is under way and showing why the Soviet Union and its people are likely to remain the world's lead story for years to come.