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Collecting is the act of extrapolating objects from their mere commodity value to give them a deeper meaning.
Protestinphotobook is a platform, curated by Luciano Zuccaccia and started in 2020, dedicated to protest all over the world seen through photo-books that are part of his growing private collection, with reviews and interviews with photographers, curators and publishers. He is very active in the world of photo books, has been interested in the evolution of the medium for years and wanted to pick up the baton left by Martin Parr and Gerry Badger, setting out on the path of the unique collection and in turn trying to point to new directions in visual language. Similar to what other scholars in the field are doing for Luciano this is the path to take with anyone who wants to participate.
The aim of the website is to show the different books produced in the world, to stimulate reflection and debate on the subject. As many other websites dedicated to photo-books, Protestinphotobook wishes to be a source of information about books, a growing collection desirous of offering opportunity to a wide public to discover rare and unknown publications concerning protest through a comparison of the different ways in which it has been expressed in different times and countries.
With this site I do not wish to encourage or promote any form of protest or even forms of racism manifested in whatever parts of the world, or furthermore express any political line.
For any complaint or clarification I ask you to contact me.
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