Title: Meid, wat ben ik bewust geworden. Vijf jaar Dolle Mina
Photographer(s): Eva Besnyö
Writer(s): Marjo van Soest
Publisher(s): Stichting Uitgeverij Dolle Mina, L'Aja, The Netherlands
Year: 1975
Print run:
Language(s): Dutch
Pages: 166
Size: 21 x 27,5 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Delta, L'Aja, The Netherlands
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: The Netherlands,1970 -1975
Commemmorative volume celebrating the 5th anniversary of a Dutch radical group of Dutch female feminists who labelled themselves 'Dolle Mina's'[Mad Mina's] battling in word and street actions for Dutch women's lib, feminism, radical actions shocking the Dutch bourgeois population.
The Dolle Mina was a 1970s Dutch feminist group which felt that full equality between men and women (feminism) was far from being achieved quickly enough. They protested against that. The name “Dolle Mina” comes from the nickname given to Wilhelmina Drucker in her time: "Iron Mina". A well-known statement of the Dolle Mina's was: ‘baas in eigen buik’ (women’s right to choose abortion).
An important note ( reported from the italian collector Piero Cavagna) is about the text written on women's bellie "Baas in eigen Buik"
The well-known slogan "Head in your belly" comes from the feminist action group Dolle Mina. During a Dolle Mina action on 14 March 1970, the action group distributed the basic programme on abortion at a meeting of gynaecologists in Utrecht. The slogan "Head in your belly" was launched.
The slogan was written on the bellies of the Dolle Minas. The campaign received a lot of attention and with it a lot of attention was also paid to the issue of abortion in the Netherlands.