Title: Descalzos a la Victoria, Barefoot to Victory
Photographer(s): Perry Kretz
Writer(s): Sergio Ramirez
Designer(s): Gottfried Hattinger
Publisher(s): Hannibal Publishing, Salzburg, Austria
Year: 1980
Print run:
Language(s): Spanish, English
Pages: 126
Size: 24 x 31,5 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: R.Kiesel, Salzburg, Austria
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Nicaragua, 1978-1979
Perry Kretz was born in 1933, a child of war who grew up in the rubble of Cologne. In the 1950s he moved to New York to study journalism. There he began hanging out with a Puerto Rican gang, financing his studies with odd jobs, even doing small jobs for the Mafia. Once enlisted in the US Army, he was assigned to the Korean War, where he started taking his first pictures and found his bliss: reportage photography. Back in New York, he joined the Keystone photo agency, worked with the N.Y.P.D. (New York Police Department) and the New York Post. He photographed crime stories and celebrity portraits. In 1969 he started working as a photojournalist for ‘stern’, the legendary German weekly.
It was for Stern that he went to Nicaragua to document the fight against Somoza and the cover photo shows some Sandinistas on the dictator's bed.