Title: Objectiu: la pau, 34 dies inoblidables
Photographer(s): Jordi Play
Writer(s): Toni Soler
Designer(s): Critèria
Publisher(s): Edicions 62, Barcelona, Spain
Year: 2003
Print run:
Language(s): Spanish
Pages: 144
Size: 16,5 x 24 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Gramagraf, scci Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Barcelona, Spain
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Spain, 2003
ISBN: 9788429753820
Over a million people on 15 February. Half a million on 22nd March. Up to a quarter of a million in April, when the war was already over. And the strikes, the casseroles, and the white sheets on the walls and balconies. An unstoppable, practically unprecedented force occupied the streets of Barcelona between the winter and spring of 2003 to testify to a global commitment against the war in Iraq. The figures are impressive and testify to a very broad but also diverse collective mood. They also speak of the disillusionment of many citizens who, until then, had stayed at home.