Title: The Maze
Photographer(s): Donovan Wylie
Writer(s): Louise Purbrick, Donovan Wylie
Designer(s): Donovan Wylie,Liz Jobey, Bernard Fischer
Publisher(s): Granta Books, London, England
Year: 2004
Print run:
Language(s): English
Pages: 112
Size: 23,5 x 29 cm
Binding: Hardcover with dust jacket
Print: Steidl, Göttingen, Germany
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: North Ireland, 2002-2003
ISBN: 9781862076846
For nearly thirty years, the Maze prison played a unique role in the conflict between loyalist paramilitary forces and republicans in Northern Ireland. Built in 1976 to house terrorist prisoners, the prison was the scene of violent protests, hunger strikes, mass escapes, and death. It was emptied in 1998 as part of the Good Friday Agreement. In 2002, the documentary photographer Donovan Wylie obtained exclusive permission to photograph the entire Maze prison complex. For Wylie, who grew up near the prison during the Troubles, there was a strong association between the architecture and the regime it represented.