Title: LIETUVA 1991.01.13, dokumentai, liudijimai, atgarsiai
Photographer(s): Various photographers
Designer(s): Albertas Broga, Isakas Zibucas
Publisher(s): Valstybinis leidybos centras, Vilnius, Lithuania
Year: 1991
Print run:
Language(s): Lithuanian
Pages: 376
Size: 17 x 25 cm
Binding: Hardcover
Print: Spindulio, Kaunas, Lithuania
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Lithuania,1991
ISBN: 899426233

That's the documentation of what happened to all the revolutionaries as they stood on the 13th of january in front of thanks and guns, darkness and violence, outrageous lie and slander. The independence passes through exposure to possible death, and the people who had taken to the streets knew this well.
Their hearts rose over Lithuania for eternal life.
They'll live and fight by their light.