Title: America: Un Viaje a Traves De La Injusticia
Photographer(s): Enrique Bostelmann
Writer(s): Carlos Fuentes
Designer(s):Martì Soler
Publisher(s): Siglo XXI Editores, Mexico City, Mexico
Year: 1970
Print run: 1st 3.000 copies - 2nd 1000 copies
Language(s): Spanish
Pages: ca. 172
Size: 21 x 29 cm
Binding: Hardcover
Edition: 2nd , Steidl, Gottingen, Germany 2011
Print:1st Rolf Bertschin, Mexico City,Mexico - 2nd Steidl Gottingen, Germany
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: America latina
ISBN: 978-9682326806
Bostelmann started working as a professional photographer in 1961, documenting Mexico’s indigenous communities and impoverished rural areas. In 1970, he published America: un viaje a través de la injusticia [America: A journey through Injustice], exposing the terrible working conditions of the impoverished campesinos of Latin America.
America: Un viaje a traves de la injusticia (America: Journey Through Injustice), is correctly considered his masterpiece, and right from the books powerful cover--which shows an anonymous pair of hands bound together with rope being dragged along by a person or persons unknown - his political concern is made absolutely clear...Bostelmann's style is that if the gritty street photographer, but he has a cinematic sense of narrative and takes care not to be too dramatic, letting the pictures speak for themselves."--Parr & Badger