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Algeria torturata

Algeria torturata is a photo book by various photographers on  Algeria by  Lerici editore, Milano, Italy,1961

Title: Algeria torturata

Photographer(s): Various photographers

Writer(s): Aziz Izzet


Publisher(s): Lerici editore, Milano, Italy

Year: 1961

Print run:

Language(s): Italian, French

Pages: 64

Size: 18 x 21 cm

Binding: Softcover


Print: Società Tipografica Lombarda, Milano, Italy

Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Algeria, 1961


Algeria torturata is a photo book by various photographers on  Algeria by  Lerici editore, Milano, Italy,1961

Algeria torturata is a photo book by various photographers on  Algeria by  Lerici editore, Milano, Italy,1961

Algeria torturata is a photo book by various photographers on  Algeria by  Lerici editore, Milano, Italy,1961

Algeria torturata is a photo book by various photographers on  Algeria by  Lerici editore, Milano, Italy,1961

Algeria torturata is a photo book by various photographers on  Algeria by  Lerici editore, Milano, Italy,1961

Algeria torturata is a photo book by various photographers on  Algeria by  Lerici editore, Milano, Italy,1961

Algeria torturata is a photo book by various photographers on  Algeria by  Lerici editore, Milano, Italy,1961

Algeria torturata is a photo book by various photographers on  Algeria by  Lerici editore, Milano, Italy,1961

Algeria torturata is a photo book by various photographers on  Algeria by  Lerici editore, Milano, Italy,1961

Algeria torturata is a photo book by various photographers on  Algeria by  Lerici editore, Milano, Italy,1961

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