Title: A Greve do ABC
Photographer(s): Araquem Alcantara, Clovis Sobrinho, Eduardo Simoes, Helio Campos Melio, Joao Bittar, Juca Martins, Luis Novaes, Mauricio Simonetti, Nair Benedicto, Nivaldo Almeida, Olivio Lamas, Ricardo Azoury, Ricardo Beliel, Ricardo Malta, Roberto Faustino, U.Deuttmar, Wagner Avancini.
Writer(s): Ricardo Kotscho
Designer(s): Alberto Neute Filho, Monica Clarac Haefeli
Publisher(s): Editora Caraguatà S.A., São Paulo, Brazil
Year: 1980
Print run: 2500
Language(s): Brazilian
Pages: 64
Size: 15 x 22 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Pancrom
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Brazil, 1980
The letters ABC stand for the three municipalities (Santo André, São Bernardo, São Caetano) in which the greater part of the São Paulo region's metallurgical industry is concentrated.
In 1980 the workers went on strike despite the military dictatorship that ruled Brazil that had sent the army to dismantle the demonstrations and assemblies, more than 80 percent of the two hundred thousand workers in the region attended.
The book was a project of the photographer Nair Benedicto and Juca Martins who called all the photographers to cover the events. As Benedicto recalls " they brought their best photos, unsigned, and the group decided which ones were essentials to the project, without knowing whom they were by".