Title: Verkiezingsstrijd '81. De sombere start van de jaren '80
Photographer(s): Paul Babeliowsky, Jan Everhard, Eduard De Kam
Writer(s): Kees Tamboer
Designer(s): Addy de Meester GVN
Publisher(s): Stichting Burgerschapskunde, Leiden, The Netherlands
Year: 1981
Print run:
Language(s): Dutch
Pages: 96
Size: 18 x 23 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Mart. Spruijt bv
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: The Netherlands,1981
ISBN: 9789064731198
The cover image shows PvdA supporters distributing pamphlets to CDA party leader Dries van Agt during an election market in Delfzijl on May 20, 1981. The pamphlets accused the Van Agt government of hurting the financial position of the lowest paid. The difficult economic situation and the general decline in purchasing power especially affected people with the lowest incomes. The CDA's Minister of Social Affairs, Prof. W. Albeda, had lowered the minimum wage for young people at the end of 1980 and stipulated that social benefits and the minimum wage would not be adjusted to rising prices. The PvdA protested this policy of wage moderation. Economic problems and their consequences became major issues during the election campaign.