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Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Title: Togliatti

Photographer(s): Marc Garanger

Writer(s): Mario Alicata, Franco Prattico, Ottavio Cecchi


Publisher(s): Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy

Year: 1965

Print run:

Language(s): Italian

Pages: 292

Size: 24 x 34 cm

Binding: Hardcover


Print: Graphocolor, Roma, Italy

Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Italy, 1964


Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Togliatti  Marc Garanger, on the figure of Palmiro Togliatti, secretary of communist Party in Italy   Editrice l'Unità, Roma, Italy, 1965

Palmiro Togliatti (1893-1964), Secretary of the Italian Communist Party, died in Jalta on 21 August 1964. On 25 August, a funeral was held in Rome, Italy, attended by more than 1 million people, a tribute paid by women, children, men so different in social conditions, political orientations, ideals and religious faiths, yet united in the same grief. Alongside the young worker, still in overalls, straight in the proletarian salute of the clenched fist, were the women and men who, despite the vain excommunications, expressed their sentiments with the natural gestures of the Catholic religion, right down to the kiss given to the red banner or the tricolour ribbon.

One feeling shared by all, the consciousness of having become orphans, of having lost a guide and a protector.

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