Title: 40 anni di lotte e di lavoro della Cooperativa Operaia Fornaciai
Photographer(s): Secondo Gnani, Bardo Bardi
Writer(s): Franco Boiardi, Elio Vigarani
Designer(s): Emilio Contini
Publisher(s): Cooperativa Operaia Fornaciai di Bologna, Italy
Year: 1960
Print run:
Language(s): Italian
Pages: 56
Size: 24,5 x 29,5 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Tipografia Moderna, Bologna, Italy
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Italy, 1920,1960
The book covers the 40 years, from 1920 to 1960, of the activities of the Cooperativa Fornaciai di Bologna (Fornaciai are the workers who make bricks for houses). The big agrarians and monopoly industrialists resorted to violence to preserve those ancient positions of power that the popular vote and the free consent of the nation had tried to wrest from them. The dangers of a bourgeois dictatorship were therefore looming over Italy. The working class, together with the peasants organised in leagues and cooperatives, together with an ever-growing ranks of men of culture and with the support and adhesion of a part of the productive middle classes, was preparing to resist the fascist attack.