Title: The Julian March / La Marche Julienne/Juliskaja Kraina
Photographer(s): Various photographers
Publisher(s): Ministry of Culture Yugoslav, Yugoslavia
Year: 1946
Print run:
Language(s): English, Slovenian, French
Pages: 172
Size: 24 x 34 cm
Binding: Hardcover
Print: Tiskarna Ljudske Pravice V Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Slovenia, 1945
Jugoslavia has but one request which is, that the desire of the population of the Julian March to be united with its mother country, with the liberated brothers with whom they are linked by history, language, culture and economical interests, should be respected. One million and seven hundred thousand Jugoslav people were killed during the WWII war.During the war, our people hoped that one of the chief aims of the Allies are the liberation and the unification of our people.The people's liberty was the main slogan in the course of the present war.
During the thirteen centuries the Slovens and Croats in the Julian March suffered being slaves of foreign rulers, and soaked with their sweat and blood their fertile soll. Is it not now the moment for the mankind to put an end to this tragic history, the victims of which are the two nations?