Title: Primo maggio a Lisbona
Photographer(s): Giancarlo De Bellis
Writer(s): Kino Marzullo, Victor Neto, Pablo Neruda
Designer(s): Albe Steiner
Publisher(s): Teti &C. Milano, Italy
Year: 1974
Print run:
Language(s): Italian
Pages: 104
Size: 17 x 23 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Gorlich Paderno Dugnano, Milano, Italy
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Portugal, 1974
The great demonstrations of 1st May in Portugal, which saw hundreds of thousands of citizens take to the streets all over the country, from Lisbon to Oporto, from Minho to the Algarve, to show, in the most clamorous but fully conscious way, their happiness and enthusiasm, can be taken as a symbol of the unequivocal will of an entire people to "re-enter history", to regain their dignity and the right to decide their own destiny.
The Portuguese people came to this historic event demonstrating a truly exceptional vitality and impetus, as a people proud to have never, not even for a single moment, bargained with the regime, to have always fought to bring it down and to have kept intact within itself the ideals of freedom, democracy, peace and fraternity with all peoples.
By the introduction of the book.