Title: Kenya Burning – Mgogoro Baada ya Uchaguzi 2007/8
Photographer(s): Yasuyoshi Chiba, Boniface Mwangi
Writer(s): Billy Kahora, Joy Mboya, Judy Wanjiku Ogana
Designer(s): Naveed Awan
Publisher(s): The GoDown Arts Center and Kwani Trust, Nairobi, Kenya
Year: 2009
Print run:
Language(s): English, Swahili
Pages: 156
Size: 21 x 26 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Al Ghurair Printing, Nairobi, Kenya
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Kenia, 2007
ISBN: 978-9966718211
The unprecedented violence, coming in the wake of the Kenya Election December 2007, left all the people deeply disturbed. Most of the Kenyans had a perplexing sense of impotence about how to respond to the post-election mayhem in a -meaningful way-.
The photo that the two photographer, Yasuyoshi Chiba and Boniface Mwangi, show us are dramatic, horrific and real and we are struk by the power of the camera to capture scenes and moments of the unbridled emotions expressed by Kenyans during that period.
The only real answer one can try to give is - May it never happen again.