Title: Markowski, Fotografie / Photography 1980-1989
Photographer(s): Stanislaw Markowski
Writer(s): Andrzej Wajda
Designer(s): Wladyslaw Pluta
Publisher(s): Znak, Kraków, Poland
Year: 1990
Print run:
Language(s): Polish, English
Pages: 116
Size: 24 x 26,5 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Drukarnia Narodowa, Kraków, Poland
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Poland, 1980-1989
ISBN: 9788370061982
In March 1980, after the self-immolation of Walenty Badylak in Krakow's main square, protesting against the lies about the Katyn massacre, he decided to photograph, as methodically and continuously as possible, any manifestation of societal resistance to the communist regime. He accompanied the emerging Solidarity with camera in hand to the Gdansk shipyard in August 1980 and then all events, both joyous and tragic. He photographed, among others, all the Pilgrimages of the Holy Father John Paul II to his homeland, the introduction of martial law and its consequences.
The most dramatic were the anti-regime demonstrations in Krakow and Nowa Huta, brutally repressed by ZOMO and SB. The funeral of Father Jerzy Popiełuszko showed the nation's great sorrow after the loss of its spiritual leader. Because of his activities, he was under surveillance and harassed by the security services.
The Institute of National Remembrance granted him victim status / certificate of 28 July 2004, BUKr III-5532-1089- [4] / 02 /