Title: BLOOD SWEAT & TEARS:photo from the great miners strike 1984 -1985
Photographer(s): Various photographers
Writer(s): Arthur Scargill, Paul Foot
Designer(s): Kate Macpherson, Clevedon, Ramsey Margolis
Publisher(s): Artworker Books, England, London
Year: 1985
Print run:
Language(s): English
Pages: 144
Size: 19,5 x 21 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: David Green Printers, Kettering, Northants, England
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: England,1984 -1985
During year of blood, sweat and tears, striking miners and women's support group members travelled the country, bringing with them something that had long been missing amongst British workers and socialist. It was a sense of what solidarity can really mean and a glimpse into a future in which working people have real power over their lives. In fighting to preserve their jobs, their communities and their union they also fought for our jobs and our unions. And they brought home only too clearly to those of us prepared to listen just what we all had to lose. We have a great deal to thanks them for. This book is dedicated to their struggle.
Incipit of the book.