Title: Disparos
Photographer(s): Alfredo Cunha
Writer(s): Maria Antónia Palla, Manuel Alegre
Publisher(s): Terra Livre, Lisbona, Portugal
Year: 1977
Print run: 7500
Language(s): Portuguese
Pages: 156
Size: 24 x 27 cm
Binding: Hardcover
Print: Terra Livre, Lisbona, Portugal
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Portugal, 1974-1976
From the published images, the fundamental question arises: how can freedom and socialism be reconciled? What future will we have? Have we definitively buried the past and are we moving towards a new life, or are we dangerously at a dead end? How to overcome perplexity and make history? These are touching questions that Alfredo Cunha asks himself, with all the rawness and urgency that his twenties allow him, and to which he responds with the serenity of one who has matured prematurely in the fight for life: The revolution has not solved the problems, but it opens the way to their resolution.
This is perhaps the optimistic message of this bitter book.
From the introduction of Maria Antónia Palla