Title: Images: The Islamic Revolution of Iran
Photographer(s): Various photographers
Publisher(s): Ministry of Islamic Guidance and Museum of Contemporary Art, Tehran, Iran
Year: 1981
Print run:
Language(s): English
Pages: 156
Size: 22 x 24 cm
Binding: Softcover
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Iran, 1979-1981
The photographs mainly show the Iranian revolution of 1979. The images depict street demonstrations and battles, people building barricades with sandbags and Molotov cocktails.
Images include women and children participating in street demonstrations, portraits of guerrillas and government soldiers. It should be noted that unlike other publications, color images can be seen here, which is due to the fact that these are part of a collection by various photographers, probably also foreigners, and it is also a book with English text published in the run-up to the Revolution in 1981 with a clear propaganda intent.