Title: This war is not mine: from women for Mostar
Photographer(s): Isabella Balena
Writer(s): Lamberto Dini, Emma Bonino, Oswald Schroeder
Designer(s): Michele Ferrari
Publisher(s): Cooperazione Italiana, Roma, Italy
Year: 1994
Print run:
Language(s): English
Pages: 96
Size: 21 x 28 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Arti Grafiche Meroni, Lissone, Italy
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Bosnia Herzegovina, 1994

There is something really abhorrent in the war that broke out in the heart of our modern and civilized Europe, That's the war in Bosnia Erzegovina following the break-up of Yugoslavia in 1991.
The book traces some post-war phases and in particular the women's role within society that should be reconsidered, especially her role before, during, and after the war. Though the women of former Yugoslavia were not present where the war was decided upon, they had experienced it: they were murdered, mutilated, tormented, confined in concentration camps; their houses, their shops, their cities were destroyed; their children were tortured, imprisoned and murdered; the women lost their husband, their brothers, their friends and their elderly.
And now, now the sick, wounded, insane and desperate women have to live amidst the ruins, listening to the ancient echo of the responsibility of their consumed role. They have to assist all of these lost people or they have to start again without them.