Title: A Little Louder
Photographer(s): Abdo Shanan
Writer(s): Sandra Maunac, Mustapha Benfodil, SalahBadis
Designer(s): Rifle
Publisher(s): Trobades & Premis Mediterranis Albert Camus, Menorca, Spain
Year: 2022
Print run:
Language(s): Arabic, English
Pages: 136
Size: 10 x 20 cm
Binding: Softcover
Edition: 500 English and Arabic, 500 French and Arabic, 300 Spanish and Arabic.
Print: Kadmos
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Algeria, 2019
ISBN: 978-84-19233-17-2
This book on the protests in Algeria is the result of the Premi Mediterrani Albert Camus Incipiens, organized by the Trobades & Premis Mediterranis Albert Camus of Menorca. This project whose strength of vision is combined with the universality of the revolts against injustice shows the absence of crowds, flags and banners, despite the ever-present determination of the protesters. From an estranged proximity, Abdo Shanan questions and documents in his own way the hirak, the peaceful protest movement that has shaken Algeria since February 22, 2019 and that continues with vigor despite the pandemic.