Title: Murais de Abril 1974
Photographer(s): Paixao Esteves
Writer(s): Joao Soares, Carlos Santos, José Casimiro, Rui Perdigão
Editor(s): João Mário Mascarenhas
Designer(s): Perdigão
Publisher(s): Biblioteca-Museu República e Resistência, Lisbon, Portugal
Year: 1998
Print run: 1000
Language(s): Portuguese, English, French
Pages: 96
Size: 21 x 25 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Grafilinha, Lisbon, Portugal
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Portugal, 1974

The nature of the presented works is extremely varied with different visual languages, that reproduce states of revolutionary conscience in moments of great creativity, inspiration and involvement. We glimpsed an articulation iconográfica and symbolic, through the one which if projectaram ideas, proposed and acronyms of supporting organizations, of the movements and political groups, giving form to a dialectica of the situation that emphasized with emotion the open possibilities for the encounter with the freedom.
In the post-revolutionary period, the street saw the emergence of mural paintings full of political ideas and colours. Those of a left-wing and far-left nature were better known, but all political forces painted them in the years following 25 April.
Most of these paintings have faded under other layers of paint or lost their lustre over the years.