Title: 200 dias en El Salvador
Photographer(s): Paolo Bosio, Eulalio Pérez Garcia, José Lavanderos
Designer(s): Praxis, artes graficas, Ramon Cruz
Publisher(s): Università Autonoma de Puebla, Puebla, Mexico
Year: 1981
Print run: 2000
Language(s): Spanish
Pages: 196
Size: 21 x 26,5 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Printed in Mexico
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: El Salvador, 1979-1980
Paolo Bosio arrived in El Salvador in May 1979 as a photographer for the oppositor diary El Independiente. In less than a year he has managed to gather valuable material that faithfully documents the political and social process underway in the Salvadoran country.
Found himself by chance in the church of Salvador where he was shot mortally wounded on the afternoon of 24 March 1980 Archbishop Oscar Romero during the Eucharistic celebration and defended the scat to the press around the world. Monsignor Romero knew that for days there had been days that 'death squads' had been roaming the city and was aware that he represented an easy target, but this did not stop him from performing his priestly duties regularly.