Title: FEMEN
Photographer(s): AA.VV.
Writer(s): Galia Ackerman
Designer(s): Nicolas Trautmann, Guillame Herbaut
Publisher(s): CALMANN-LEVY, Paris, France
Year: 2013
Print run:
Pages: 186
Size: 14,5 X 27 cm
Binding: Softcover
Edition: 2nd Polity Press,London, England, 2014
Print : Printed by Clays Ltd, St Ives England
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: RUSSIA, 2008
ISBN: 9782702144589
In the beginning was the body, the sensation the woman has of her own body. The joy of its lightness and freedom. Then came injustice, so harsh that it is felt with the body; injustice deprives the body of its mobility, paralyses its movements, and soon you are hostage to that injustice. Then you push your body into battle against injustice, mobilizing each cell for the war against the world of patriarchy and humiliation. You say to the world:
our God is woman!
our mission is protest!
our weapons are bare breasts!
here femen is born, and here begins sextremism
Femen is a feminist protest group which was founded in Ukraine in 2008 by Anna Hutsol, Oksana Shachko, Sasha Shevchenko and Inna Shevchenko. They have attracted worldwide attention for a a series of high-profile protests at key international events and they currently live in exile.