Title: Cronaca di una strage. 12 maggio 1977. L’esecuzione di Giorgiana Masi: anche il compromesso uccide
Photographer(s): Various photographers
Writer(s): Luca Boneschi, Corrado De Martini, Ugo Sandroni, Camilla Cederna, Maria Antonietta Maciocchi, Marco Pannella, Antonello Trombadori. Grafica di Aurelio Candido
Designer(s): Aurelio Candido
Publisher(s): Centro di iniziativa giuridica Piero Calamandrei, Roma, Italy
Year: 1979
Print run:
Language(s): Italian
Pages: 178
Size: 21 x 29 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: So.ge.ma. srl., Roma, Italy
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Italy,1977
On May 12, 1977, at eight o'clock in the evening, in the heart of Rome, policemen disguised as autonomi fired into the crowd. The scapegoat was a 19-year-old girl ... this book in the account of Radical MP Roberto Cicciomessere, shows meticulous documentation, hour by hour, minute by minute: between photographs and testimonies, the hallucinating analysis of what many called an execution. It was in the "anni di piombo" one of the darkest periods of Italian democracy, where young people demonstrated in the streets knowing that they might not return home.