Title: Kobieta: en bok om kvinnor i Polen
Photographer(s): Joanna Helander
Writer(s): Joanna Helander
Designer(s): Gunnar Jäwer
Publisher(s): Fyra Förläggare, Helsinborg, Sweden
Year: 1978
Print run:
Language(s): Swedish
Pages: 128
Size: 21 x 28 cm
Binding: Hardcover
Print: Trydells Tryckeri AB, Laholm, Sweden
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Poland,1978
ISBN: 9185246239

This black and white photographs were produced by Joanna Helander in Poland between 1976-1977, during her numerous trip to met her father and friends.
Helander left Poland in 1971 after took part in the protests against the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, for which she was victimized and imprisoned.
The Swedish life gave Helander the power to produce contemporary documentary photo books as Kobieta focused on micro storie of twenty Polish women aged from 18 to 84, that live in a little town Ruda Slaska. What does it mean this book is condensate in the photograph featured on the cover. Standing by a collegial table, a smiling woman stretches out her fist in a gesture reminiscent of a communist salute. The image shows the strength and energy of women, qualities that may lead to social change, but at the same time she reveals their poverty as well as cultural and political constraints.