Title: Das kurze Leben des Brian Stewart: Alltag im irischen Bürgerkrieg
Photographer(s): Chris-Steele Perkins, Homer Sykes
Writer(s): Wieland Giebel
Designer(s): Jurgen Holtfreter
Publisher(s): Elefanten Press Verlag, Berlin, Germany
Year: 1981
Print run:
Language(s): German
Pages: 128
Size: 20 x 24 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: West Germany
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: North Ireland,1976
Brian Stewart is dead
I wanted to know who Brian Stewar was, how he lived and how his death came about. Soldiers from the British Army arrived. They went to Belfast and discovered that arrests, torture and murder are part of everyday life in Northern Ireland. Furthermore, the British government and the Government of the Republic of Ireland want to avoid denouncing the cruel war against the Irish republicans. I wrote what I saw and experienced, but also what I could gather from history, books and newspapers.
Wieland Giebel