Title: Documenti sulla violenza di sinistra in Italia
Photographer(s): various photographers
Writer(s): Giorgio Almirante
Publisher(s): Ufficio Stampa del M.S.I., Roma,Italia
Year: 1971
Print run:
Language(s): Italian
Pages: 48
Size: 21 x 27 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: SAIPEM, Cassino, Roma, Italia
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Italia, 1968 - 1971

I often present books proposed by the political left in this post I present one of the rare cases in which a right-wing political group in the "anni di piombo" in Italy, between 1968 and 1971, felt the need to communicate, from their point of view, what was happening on the Italian streets.
In this small book, a chronicle of the attacks and clashes between the left and the right is described, and this is an excerpt from the introductory text of the head of the M.S.I., a right-wing party that gathers nostalgics of the fascist party:
"This documentation of ours is therefore an instrument of defense that we are honored to place at the disposal of Italians who, at all levels, do not intend to let themselves be disarmed by the communist lie and the gray conformism of the allies, whether or not they are aware of the subversion of the extreme left."