Title: VIETNAM: Bibliografia e documenti sull'aggressione imperialista contro il popolo vietnamita
Photographer(s): AA.VV.
Writer(s): Bruno Caruso,
Publisher(s): Alfani editore, Roma, Italy
Year: 1972
Print run:
Language(s): Italian
Pages: 90
Size: 25 x 29 cm
Binding: Softcover with dust jacket
Print: Arti Grafiche Ambrosini Roma, Italy
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Vietnam, 1955-1972
1342 books
204 official documents and government acts
190 committees, commissions and conferences
160 images, cover magazines, manifestos
In this publication, a documentation of the mass of books, magazines, manifestos, speeches, public demonstrations, commitments and struggles that are being conducted around the world in favour of the Vietnamese people against American imperialism has been collected.
We would like to point out that this, more than a bibliographic study from a scientific point of view, is an act of solidarity on our part and on the part of all those around the world who have expressed it in their writings and in the images reproduced here with the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and with the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam, with a united and free Vietnam.
From the introduction of the book.