Title: ONE YEAR! Photographs from the miner's strike 1984-85
Photographer(s): Brenda Prince, John Sturrock, John Harris, Jenny Matthews, Roger Tiley, Imogen Young and Chris Killip,Philip Winnard, Howard Sooley
Writer(s): Martin Parr, Isaac Blease, Sian James
Designer(s): Tom Booth Woodger
Publisher(s): Bluecoat Press, London, England
Year: 2024
Print run:
Language(s): English
Pages: 200
Size: 23,5 x 32 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: MAS Matbaa, Istanbul, Turkey
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: England, 1984-1985
ISBN: 9781908457905
Marking the 40th anniversary of one of Britain’s longest and most bitter disputes, the book and exhibition explore the vital role photographs played during the year-long struggle against pit closures including many materials drawn from the Martin Parr Foundation collection. The industrial action, which began in Yorkshire, was led by the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and its President, Arthur Scargill, against the National Coal Board (NCB). The Conservative government under Margaret Thatcher opposed the strikes and aimed to reduce the power of the trade unions.
Following on, the second half of the book showcases ephemera relating to the strike. Including posters, vinyl records, plates, badges and publications – which are supported by contemporary texts, talks and interviews from the featured photographs, these texts are exclusively available in this book. Collectively, the materials demonstrate the power and the contradictions inherent in using photography as a tool of resistance.