Title: June 16, the fruit of fear
Photographer(s): Peter Magubane
Writer(s): Desmond M.Tutu,Harry Mashabela, Marian Shinn, Monty Narsoo, Oupa Mthimkhulu
Designer(s): Sir Tom Hopkinson
Publisher(s): Skotaville Publisher, Johannersburg, South Africa
Year: 1986
Print run:
Language(s): English
Pages: 100
Size: 25,5 x 30,5 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Blackshaws, Cape Town, South Africa
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: South Africa, 1976
There was a long lull after crushing of organization in the early sixties. There was the emergence of the black consciousness movement and then there was June 1976. A revolt of the youth that was bloodily repressed. In 1997 major organizations and individuals were banned. A briefer silence followed. Students, civic and political organizations reemerged in the late seventies. Workers organizations consolidated. Organizations and mobilization increases. Resistance increases and repression and attempts at reform increase. The economy of the country nose-dived. We now have the most sustained, resilient and wide-spread resistance ever. Organizations have developed a myriad of tactics of resistance and defence since 1976. Repression and violence have spiralled upwards as the struggle for freedom has surged and retreated.The periods of retreat have continued to have. Sixteen years passed between Sharpeville and Soweto, eight years between Soweto and Sebokeng. The decade since senvety-six may be the interregnum between the old and the new.