Title: Perfect Peace. The Palestinians from intifada to Intifada
Photographer(s): Kai Wiedenhöfer
Writer(s): Stefanie Rosenkranz
Designer(s): Kai Wiedenhöfer
Publisher(s): Steidl, Göttingen, Germany
Year: 2003
Print run:
Language(s): English
Pages: 176
Size: 23.5 x 33.5 cm
Binding: Hardcover with dustjacket
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Palestine, >2003
ISBN: 978-3-88243-814-7

For more than 10 years Kai Wiedenhöfer (born 1966) lived in and photographed the Israeli-occupied territories. He even learned Arabic to gain the trust of the Palestinians. His photographs live from this close contact and tell about the day-to-day lives, the dogged fight against the occupation and the people‘s hopes and disappointments.