Title: 1910 -1920 immagini fotografiche della rivoluzione messicana
Photographer(s): Various photographers
Writer(s): Giovanni Casetta
Designer(s): Aldo Vercelli
Publisher(s): Priuli & Verlucca, Ivrea, Italy
Year: 1983
Print run:
Language(s): Italian
Pages: 134
Size: 19 x 25 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Ferrero, Romano Canavese, Italy
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Mexico, 1910-1920
There were many photographers who documented the Mexican Revolution, Panamanian Gerard Brandon and American Jimmy Hare -who is credited with the first photographs taken on airplanes. John Reed took a series of snapshots during the march in the wake of the Army of the North. but photographing the Mexican Revolution were not only photojournalists of opportunity or excellent professionals like Hugo Breme. There were also, in their own right reporteros-graficos, including: Agustin Victor Casasola, Antonio Garduno, Jeronimo Hernandez, ANtonio Carrillo Sr., Manuel Ramos, Abraham Lupercio, Victor Leon, Luis Santamaria, Adrian Hernandez Uribe, and Ezequiel Alvarez Tostado.
Over all Agustin Victor Casasola, a photojournalist more unique than rare, founder of several Associations including the Sociedad de fotografos de la Prensa, will work for - El Imparcial, El Universal and Il Tiempo. Thanks to his tireless efforts in collecting books, documents, third-party photographs and putting his negatives in order and the subsequent archiving and didactic organization of thousands of images so d have the broadest possible iconography of the Mexican Revolution.