Title: Užgrobti, bet nenutildyti
Photographer(s): Various photographers
Writer(s): Stasys Štikelis
Designer(s): Gintaras Pranckinas
Publisher(s): Valstybinis leidybos centras, Vilnius, Lithuania
Year: 1991
Print run: 15.000
Language(s): Lithuanian
Pages: 80
Size: 14 x 20,5 cm
Binding: Softcover
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Lithuania,1991
The publication tells the tragic period of Lithuanian radio and television , which began in 1991. on the night of January 13, when the Soviet army violently seized the RTV buildings in Vilnius . This booklet also recounts how radio and television remained active and not suppressed as they functioned under conditions of seizure.