Title: Nigeria. A decade of crises in pictures
Photographer(s): Peter Obe
Writer(s): Anthony Enahoro, Brigadier Hassan Katsina
Designer(s): Ben K. Awe
Publisher(s): Times Press Limited, Apapa, Lagos, Nigeria
Year: 1971
Print run:
Language(s): English
Pages: 220
Size: 22,5 x 28 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Times Press. Limited, Apapa, Lagos, Nigeria
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Nigeria, 1966

Peter Obe is definitely the best and most experienced Press Photographer in Nigeria. He worked for over ten years as Chief Photographer and head of the Photographic Department of the Daily Times of Nigeria which is the leading newspaper Company in the country. The most popular newspaper in the group - the Daily Times and the Sunday Times have the widest circulation in black Africa.
These collection of photographs taken in all the war sectors over the 1966, 30 month duration of the civil war show conclusively how deeply involved, in a professional sense, Obe was.
Peter Obe believes so much in doing a good job that throughout the war, he had to reassure his family who thought he was taking too many risks.