Title: Los últimos días de franco vistos en TVE
Photographer(s): Ministerio de Información y Turismo, Nuño Fernando
Designer(s): Hernán Valdovinos
Publisher(s): Editorial Departamento de publicaciones RTVE, Madrid, Spain
Year: 1975
Print run:
Language(s): Spanish
Pages: 222
Size: 17 x 23,5 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Altamira, Madrid, Spain
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Spain, 1975
Televisión Española (TVE) simply did its duty in the service of information. I am not looking for easy gimmicks or exclusive protagonism: I only seek to bring together its viewers and those around the world through the 16 foreign channels that broadcast live some of the main ceremonies and through the channels that broadcast deferred images for the 52 countries with which they have established program exchanges - with a total of four hundred million viewers.
Was right The Publications Department of Spanish Television that published this book a few days after Franco's death, with a selection of photographs taken from broadcast covering that event. It seams obvious that television became the ultimate authority on the formulation of such references regarding information and events and that said book was the result of this awareness.