Title: Imagens de uma revolução
Photographer(s): Moira Forjaz, Susan Meiselas
Writer(s): Albie Sachs
Designer(s): David King
Publisher(s): Partido Frelimo, Maputo, Mozambique
Year: 1984
Print run:
Language(s): Portuguese
Pages: 88
Size: 21 x 29,5 cm
Binding: Softcover
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Mozambique, 1984
This book deals with the political and cultural process that characterised the Mozambican experience (1975) starting from the analysis of the propaganda images produced by the revolution.
It was from this basis that in 1977 some Mozambicans, the painter MOIRA TOHA, with the help of Chilean exiles, CLAUDIO REIS and his Mozambican wife MADALENA, began to create large murals in places such as: Maputo's Central Hospital, the Matchedje Cinema, the Museum of Natural History or in Heroes' Square a 95 x 6 meters mural.
The artists focused on different themes from Mozambique's past, present and future, such as the colonial wars, agricultural and economic cooperation and the war against corruption.