Title: "Ihr müsst diesen Typen nur ins Gesicht sehen" (Klaus Schütz, SPD) APO Berlin1966 -1969
Photographer(s): Michael Ruetz
Writer(s): Tilman Fichter, Siegward Lönnendonker
Designer(s): G.Wagner, Nördlingen, Germany
Publisher(s): Zweitausendeins Verlag,Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Year: 1980
Print run:
Language(s): German
Pages: 168
Size: 26,5 x 29,5 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Conzett + Huber AG, Zurich, Switzerland
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Germany, 1966-1969
5 February 1966: Over 2,500 students take part in demonstrations organised by the Socialist Student Union, the Social Democratic University Union, the German Liberal Student Union, the Topic Club and the Humanist Student Union against the American war in Vietnam. The route leads from Steinplatz via Hardenbergstraße past the Amerika Haus, via Kurfürstendamm and Uhlandstraße to Steinplatz.
[....] In the beginning I only owned and worked with two lenses: with a focal length of 35 and 90 mm. It gave me everything I needed to record demonstrations: I was never hindered or conspicuous by a bag or a flash (which I hated at the time). This allowed me to move like a 'fish in water', like a partisan.[...] Those I photographed did not even notice me: neither the demonstrators nor the police. I didn't even have a press pass. As if I wore an invisibility cloak, I could move between the 'lines' in the street clashes.
From the introduction of the book