Title: Centro sociale Leoncavallo. Quarant'anni di cultura a Milano. La città com'era, la città come cambiava, la città che verrà
Photographer(s): Various photographers
Writer(s): Primo Moroni, Mauro Decortes, Danilo De Biasio, Daniele Farina, Ermanno Gomma Guarneri, Vandalo, Marco Teatro, Enrico Fletzer, Melina Miele, Paola Bassani, Gianna Stefan, Bruna Orlandi, Mariangela Angarano, Renzo Martinelli, Junior Sprea
Publisher(s): Edizioni Interno4, Rimini, Italy
Year: 2019
Print run:
Language(s): Italian
Pages: 160
Size: 17 x 24 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Agenzia Nfc, Rimini, Italy
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Italy, 1975- 2019
ISBN: 9788885747333
With this book we intend to share a path of collective involvement among the many women and men who have passed through the social centre in these more than forty years of life: from the militants who occupied it to those who still bring it to life today; from the photographers who have immortalised it over the years to the theatrists who have historically animated the centre's cultural and political activities; from the music bands, which, starting from Leoncavallo, have made the history of Italian music to the millions of words, signs and drawings that have dictated trends and determined paths, which then became innovative lifeblood, profoundly marking the history of the entire city and in part of the country.
by the book's introduction.