Photographer(s): Sub.Coop
Writer(s): Sub.Coop
Publisher(s): Sub-Coop, Buenos Aires,Argentina
Year: 2016
Print run: 1000
Language(s): Spanish
Size: 22 x 29 cm
Binding: Softcover with dust jacket
Print: Printed by Chivo, Buenos Aires,Argentina
Nation(s) and year of Protest: Argentina 2001
ISBN: 9789874619501
Annex: Negatives reproduction

Sub Coop is a cooperative of photographer started in 2001 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I met Nicolás Pousthomis, part of Sub Coop, on March 15, 2019 in Buenos Aires, giving me this publication he told me about its development, for example that it was created thanks to a crowdfunding by Sub Coop in Buenos Aires and printed by the Chilavert typography that was taken over by his employees in 2001, after the previous owner filed for bankruptcy. This was a cornerstone of Sub Coop, because they wanted there to be direct participation of workers fighting for their jobs. The book in Sub Coop's intentions should not have followed the structure of classic books but they wanted it to be as close as possible to a magazine, lightly coated paper, soft cover, which had its own flexibility but above all that it did not cost much and that it should not having a connection with any institution or bank that financed the project. It seems to me an excellent choice considering that they were protesting the financial default, the Argentine default of 2001. They chose the path of pre-sales support because ultimately they wanted say thank you only to the supporters who bought the book. Another peculiarity that distinguishing Sub Coop's work was the choice to attach a facsimile of the negative to the project because their intentions were the desire to lead the reader to imagine the use of analog instrument, the negative as a unique and truthful element, with all the signs and imperfections that underline the battle. Conceptually a book that is not only documentation but also reflection, a different vision of street protests trying to bring the reader closer to the events that really happened.
From the text in the book:
"Teniamos hambre, ganas de acabar con todo. Entregados al destino de la manada corrimos hacia el humo, directo a los tiros. El sol nos quemaba los ojos y la piel; era un sol viejo en un cielo viejo, negro como el asfalto. Nuestros cuerpos sudaban pizza y cumbia villera. Nuestros huesos no aguantaron y se quebraron al atraversar el vidrio de un banco cuando llegò el galope de un caballo y volaron piedras hacia adelante. Y despues? Importa el despues? Si el fervor de estallido tan solo es un recuerdo del futuro y una predicciòn del pasado, la continuidad de una lucha que no tiene principio ni final. Matamos y morimos."