Title: UNO A UNO

Photographer(s): Federico Paladino, Nicolás Pousthomis

Writer(s): Verónica Borsani, Federico Paladino,Nicolás Pousthomis

Designer(s): Verónica Borsani

Publisher(s): La Balsa Editora / Sub Editora, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Year: 2021

Print run: 500

Language(s): Spanish

Pages: 64

Size: 29 x 40 cm

Binding: Journal


Print: Gráfica MPS, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Argentina, 1989 -1999


UNO A UNO is an exercise in sensitive memory and collective editing. In the pages of this photobook published by Sub and La Balsa in December 2021, images of two moments in Argentina's recent history collide, dispute and finally meet. In an instance of group exchanges and construction of meaning in which people from different spheres participated, a homogeneous narrative was constructed on the basis of propaganda and images of media appropriation published in the 1990s and documentary photographs from 2001. The photobook invites each reader to reflect on the scope of the discourse elaborated by the magazines and its correlate in the public space.

The final format of the publication was decided in a meeting we called REDACCIÓN, within the framework of @somosfelifa, to highlight the tension between two antagonistic languages, the discourse created by the media and advertising during the 1990s, and the documentary record of what was happening in 2001.