Todxs somos Milagro

Title: Todxs somos Milagro

Photographer(s): Maria José Malvares, Gimena Tur

Writer(s): Eugenio Raul Zaffaroni


Publisher(s): Editorial Octubre, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Year: 2017

Print run:

Language(s): Spanish

Pages: 222

Size: 20 x 23,5 cm

Binding: Softcover


Print: Latingrafica, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Argentina, 2016


On 16 January 2016, indigenous social leader Milagro Sala, leader of the Tupac Amaru, was arrested by order of Governor Gerardo Morales. On that day, a web of lawsuits was unleashed to uphold her illegal detention for an indefinite period of time. The persecution was extended to other members of her organization, the Tupac Amaru Neighborhood Association, and the province of Jujuy (in north-west Argentina, Ed.) became a kind of local laboratory of legal warfare.

Several human rights organizations, like Amnesty International, denounced Argentina's government at the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention of the united Nations, alleging the illegal detention of Milagro Sala.