Somalia: el rastro invisible / The invisible trace

Title: Somalia: el rastro invisible / The invisible trace

Photographer(s): Pep Bonet

Writer(s): Paula Farias, Alfonso Armada


Publisher(s): Fonart IB Publishing, Mallorca, Spain

Year: 2007

Print run:

Language(s): Spanish, English

Pages: 212

Size: 17 x 21,5 cm

Binding: Hardcover


Print: Nova Era, Barcelona, Spain

Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Somalia, 2004-2006

ISBN: 9788493572600

Somalia. Anarchy, neglect and oblivion are the words that best define it. An absence of statehood that for years has been replaced by a contemporary feudalism, where warlords have imposed the day-to-day as the only possible way to measure time...