MAI 68

Title: MAI 68

Photographer(s): Claude Raimond - Dityvon

Writer(s): Renaud

Designer(s): Michel Auer

Publisher(s): Camera Obscura, Editions CARRERE-KIAN, Paris, France

Year: 1988

Print run:

Language(s): French

Pages: 112

Size: 16,5 x 2,5 cm

Binding: Hardcover


Print: Imprimerie Moderne de l'Est, Baume-les-Dames, France

Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: France, 1968

ISBN: 2868045189

May 68 was of course the events that set France alight, but it was also the birth of an important photographer, Claude Raimond-Dityvon, whose images were barely seen and published at the time, and who created the Viva Agency in 1972.