Le 13 Mai 1958 - Le coup de Dien -Bien-Phu - Suicide de la IVème - Les colonels dans Alger - Naissan

Title: Le 13 Mai 1958 - Le coup de Dien -Bien-Phu - Suicide de la IVème - Les colonels dans Alger - Naissance du Régime Gaullistet - L'armée au pas

Photographer(s): Various photographers

Writer(s): Patrick Kessel, Michel Debré, Jean-Paul Sartre

Designer(s): Jacques Daniel

Publisher(s): Le Club français du livre, Paris, France

Year: 1970

Print run:

Language(s): French

Pages: 112

Size: 21 x 26,5 cm

Binding: Hardcover


Print: Firmin - Didot, Ivry, France

Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Algeria, 1954-1962


On 13 May 1958, the Governorate General, seat of the French administration in Algeria, was stormed by a crowd of pieds-noirs and a Public Security Committee was formed with the blessing of General Raoul Salan, head of the French army in Algeria. The presidency was entrusted to another military man, General Jacques Massu, a convinced Gaullist. If Pflimlin demands respect for the republican order, he is careful not to intervene.

The coup plotters launched an appeal to General de Gaulle, who spoke on 19 May. At a press conference, at which he refused to condemn the events in Algiers, the former leader of Free France made it known that he was ready to take back the reins of the country