In Piazza, rabbia e passione

Title: In Piazza, rabbia e passione

Photographer(s): Dino Fracchia

Writer(s): Vittorio Agnoletto, Carlotta Cossutta, Sandrone Dazieri, Erri De Luca, Federico Dragogna, Patrizio Fariselli, Vicky Franzinetti, Manuela Fugenzi, Sergio Marchese, Giorgio Oldrini, Xina Veronese

Designer(s): Gianluca Puliatti

Publisher(s): Edizioni Interno4, Rimini, Italy

Year: 2021

Print run:

Language(s): Italian

Pages: 250

Size: 17 x 24 cm

Binding: Softcover


Print: Starprint, Bergamo, Italy

Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Italy, 1970 - 2021

ISBN: 9788885747616

How have we changed? How has our way of protesting and taking to the streets changed since the 1970s? Through a gallery of images selected from the vast archive of the Milanese photographer Dino Fracchia, we retrace the great movements that have characterised the protests of the last fifty years in Italy in search of the red thread that unites more than one generation under the banner of protest, in search of a better world. More than a hundred photographs, almost fifty years of the streets from the 1970s to the days of the pandemic. The 1970s: Workers and factory workers; the movement; feminists; youth festivals. 1980s: Students, punks, the self-employed and the anti-nuclear movement. 1990s: The social centres. Genoa 2001: The G8 and the Genoa Social Forum. 2000s: Not one less; Fridays for future. 2020-2021: The coronavirus pandemic, will we ever return to the streets?

Dino Fracchia is a fotojournalist that very young started to report social life in Italy, famous his book - Parco Lambro- the italian woodstock on '70.