Dimensions of a revolution

Title: Dimensions of a revolution

Photographer(s): Various photographers



Publisher(s): Council for the celebrations of the third anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Teheran, Iran

Year: 1982

Print run:

Language(s): Arabic, English

Pages: 124

Size: 24 x 30 cm

Binding: Softcover


Print: Offset Press. Inc. Teheran, Iran

Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Iran,1979


Surely the fact that this book is written in arabic and english put it on propaganda books by the Ministry of Culture of Islamic Guidance (Ershad) and dedicated for a foreign audience. The book covers the events of the revolution in Iran of 1979 by different angle, divided in six chapter: 1 Religion - Commitment -Politics, 2 Leadership, 3 Participation of the people, 4 Martyrdom, 5 Role of the Mosque, 6 Neither East nor West.