1968, a paixão de uma utopia

Title: 1968, a paixão de uma utopia

Photographer(s): Pedro de Moraes

Writer(s): Daniel Aarão Reis Filho

Designer(s): Pipsi Munk

Publisher(s): Espaço e Tempo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Year: 1988

Print run:

Language(s): Portuguese

Pages: 220

Size: 21 x 25 cm

Binding: Softcover


Print: Graphos Industrial Gráfico, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Brazil, 1968


Students were central characters in the struggles of 1968, but not the only ones. Together with them, forming a community of interests, were liberal professionals, journalists, writers, artists and religious. They participated in the denunciation of the regime and the social struggles moved by the same disenchantment with the directions that the new regime was taking. Since 1964, they have risen up against censorship, denounced the excesses of repression, the dismantling of the University of Brasilia and the offensive against cultural and artistic manifestations. Articles and columns in newspapers, films and plays, "manifestos to the nation" testify to a growing movement of criticism, an attitude of defiance to power.